(a)   Consistent with the purposes of this Zoning Code, every graphic or other sign in violation of any provision of this chapter shall only be removed, altered or replaced so as to conform with the provisions of this code. Any sign which was in compliance with these regulations immediately prior to the effective date of this code, but, on the effective date of this code or any amendments thereto, is not in compliance with the regulations herein shall be deemed nonconforming.
   (b)   Nonconforming signs shall be removed and any subsequent modification or replacement (excluding routine maintenance pursuant to § 1151.10) shall conform to all requirements of these regulations:
      (1)   When more than 50% of the value of the sign has been destroyed or been removed;
      (2)   When the use for which the nonconforming sign is accessory, is vacant for 90 consecutive days; or
      (3)   Following five years from the date of the adoption of these regulations, or five years from the date of any amendment to these regulations which made the sign nonconforming.
   (c)   (1)   A nonconforming sign shall not be replaced, altered, modified or reconstructed, other than to comply with these regulations, except when the existing use changes its name as a result of new ownership, or for any other reason and when such replacement sign may be accomplished without any alteration or changes to the structure, framing, erection or location of the sign unless such changes conform to these regulations.
      (2)   Any proposed replacement, alteration, modification or reconstruction of a nonconforming sign shall be approved by the Architectural Board of Review.
   (d)   The Planning Commission may permit certain nonconforming signs to continue when, because of unique design features or construction qualities, the Commission determines the sign to be architecturally or historically significant. The Planning Commission shall approve such continuation in accordance with the conditional use procedures set forth in Chapter 1105 et seq. The continuation of such sign must also be approved by the Architectural Board of Review.
(Ord. 165-99, passed 12-21-1999)