§ 34.31 POWERS.
   (A)   The Code Enforcement Board shall have all of the authority, powers and duties provided in the Local Government Enforcement Act KRS 65.8801 through 65.8839.
   (B)   Additionally, and pursuant to the authority of KRS 65.8840(2), the provisions of KRS 65.8840 shall be enforced through the Code Enforcement Board; and each violation thereof shall constitute a civil offense.
   (C)   Unless otherwise provided in the ordinance or statute identified as being violated in a civil citation, the civil penalties that may be imposed by the Code Enforcement Board are hereby established as follows:
      (1)   In the event that a civil citation is not contested, the specific civil fine that shall be imposed for each separate violation is hereby established at $100 for a first violation, $250 for a second occurrence of the same violation and $500 for the third and each subsequent occurrence of the same violation, plus costs of collection, including, without limitation, court costs and attorney fees.
      (2)   The maximum civil fine that may be imposed for each separate violation is hereby established at $500 for a first violation, $750 for a second occurrence of the same violation and $1,000 for the third and each subsequent occurrence of the same violation, plus costs of collection, including, without limitation, court costs and attorney fees.
(Ord. 2021-3, passed 6-21-2021)