The initial Spring Valley property was annexed on December 21, 2009, and rezoned to R-1-DA (ordinance 634). All additional annexations, including that certain annexation dated October 1, 2012 (ordinance 681), shall be subject to the provisions of this title and the terms of the PADA.
Prior to annexation of an unincorporated area, the city council shall request and receive a recommendation from the planning and zoning commission on the proposed changes to the Spring Valley master plan and/or the PADA and/or this title for the unincorporated area. The planning and zoning commission and the city council shall follow the notice and hearing procedures for this title map amendments set forth in subsection 11A-8-13D of this chapter. Concurrently or immediately following the adoption of an ordinance of annexation, the city council shall amend the Spring Valley master plan and/or the PADA and/or this title to reflect the annexation. (Ord. 710, 1-14-2014)