A.   Design Review Application Scheduling: At least thirty five (35) days prior to action by the design review board, anyone required to comply with this chapter shall submit their application, together with the required fee, to the zoning administrator. The zoning administrator may extend the thirty five (35) day review time for design review applications that are unusually large or complicated and may decrease review times for applications that are minor or do not require transmittals to other agencies. At least seven (7) days prior to any scheduled design review board meeting, all applications to be considered at that meeting shall be made available to each member of the design review board. The zoning administrator shall direct mail notice of the design review board meeting to the applicant at least seven (7) days prior to the design review board meeting.
   B.   Action And Required Findings: Following a complete review of the design review application, the design review board shall approve the application as presented, approve the application with supplementary conditions, continue the application for further review, or deny the application.
      1.   City Findings: The City shall make findings which address the following:
         a.   The ordinance and standards used in evaluating the application;
         b.   The reasons for the approval or denial;
         c.   The actions, if any, that the applicant could take to obtain approval.
      2.   General Standards For Design Review: The Zoning Administrator, Design Review Board, or City Council, whichever is applicable, shall review the particular facts and circumstances of each proposed design review in terms of the following standards and shall find adequate evidence showing that such design review at the proposed location:
         a.   Will function in conformance with the applicable strategies of the Eagle Comprehensive Plan and is in accordance with the regulations of this Code;
         b.   Is of a scale, intensity, and character that is in harmony with existing conforming and planned development in the vicinity of the site;
         c.   Is designed with adequate off street parking facilities in such a way as to not interfere with ingress/egress to the site and will serve the intended use so as to not cause conflict with adjacent uses as anticipated within the zoning district;
         d.   Will not interfere with the visual character, quality, or appearance of the surrounding area and City, and where possible, enhance the continuity of thematically common architectural features;
         e.   Will have facades, features, and other physical improvements that are designed as a whole, when viewed alone as well as in relationship to surrounding buildings and settings;
         f.   Will not obstruct views and vistas as they pertain to the urban environment and in relation to artistic considerations;
         g.   Will provide safe and convenient access to the property for both vehicles and pedestrians through patterned traffic circulation and connectivity to abutting development;
         h.   Is in the interest of public health, safety, and general welfare promoting a pedestrian friendly and walkable environment in balance with protecting a viable commercial center in the area; and
         i.   Will have signs, if proposed, that are harmonious with the architectural design of the building and adjacent buildings, and will not cover or detract from desirable architectural features.
   C.   Action By The City Council: Upon receipt of the recommendation by the Design Review Board, the City Council shall either approve, approve with supplementary conditions, remand to the Design Review Board for further consideration, or deny the design review application as presented. In lieu of adopting findings as outlined within subsection B of this section, the City Council may adopt the Design Review Board's findings. Within seven (7) calendar days after a decision has been rendered by the City Council, the Zoning Administrator shall provide the applicant with written notice of the action on the request. (Ord. 781, 8-8-2017; amd. Ord. 889, 1-10-2022)