A.   Designation of a historic property or landmark may be initiated by request from the council, upon the request of the owner of the property proposed to be designated, or on the commission's own initiative. Upon receipt of such request, and under the authority of the city council, the commission shall make a preliminary investigation of the historical, architectural, archeological and cultural significance of the proposed property or landmark based on the criteria set forth in section 2-7-5 of this chapter. The commission shall also consider the property's suitability for preservation or restoration; educational value; cost of acquisition, restoration, maintenance, operation or repair; possibilities for adaptive or alternative use of the property; appraised value and administrative and financial responsibility of any person or organization willing to underwrite all or a portion of such costs. Upon completion of this investigation, the commission shall prepare a report containing its findings and recommendations concerning the proposed historic property or landmark. If recommendations are positive, a draft of a proposed ordinance shall also be prepared. The ordinance shall require that the waiting period set forth in subsection 8-9-8C of this code be observed prior to the demolition, material alteration, remodeling or removal of said historic property or landmark. (Ord. 623, 4-14-2009)
   B.   Copies of the completed report and draft of the ordinance shall be transmitted to the members of the council for review, and within forty five (45) days from the date of transmittal, the council shall hold a public hearing on the proposed ordinance, after having given written notice to the owners and occupants of the property and the publication of such notice in the time and manner required by section 2-7-6 of this chapter.
   C.   Following such public hearing, the council may act on the ordinance.
   D.   Following action on the ordinance, the owners or occupants of the proposed historic property or landmark shall be given written notification by first class mail of the council's decision within fifteen (15) days. Upon approval of designation, the property owner shall be sent a copy of this chapter and provision may be made for the erection of a suitable sign or marker on or near the property indicating that the property has been so designated.
   E.   Upon passage of the ordinance, one copy of the ordinance shall be filed in the office of the county recorder of Ada County, Idaho, and notice of such designation shall be given to the tax assessor of Ada County, Idaho.
   F.   Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, consent of the owner shall be required in all cases. (Ord. 157, 10-24-1989; amd. Ord. 391, 5-8-2001)