The Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity and is established to:
   A.   Develop and update a one (1) and five (5) year conservation education program and funding plan for the City of Eagle including identification of goals and objectives; Projects recommended will be presented to the City Council as part of the annual City of Eagle Capital Improvement and Maintenance Plan for prioritization and appropriation process;
   B.   Assist the City in identifying and prioritizing conservation and education projects that may include:
      1.   Acquisition of conservation easements on agricultural lands to preserve food production, protect soils, and provide pollinator and wildlife habitat.
      2.   Acquisition of private lands or conservation easements (upland or riparian) to mitigate impacts to wildlife and habitat loss.
      3.   Acquisition of private lands or conservation easements for public trails and access, associated with conservation.
      4.   Restoration, rehabilitation, or enhancement projects - natural resources (e.g. upland, riparian, aquatic habitat).
      5.   Management of invasive and noxious weed species, including fuels projects, associated with protection of habitat (monitoring, control, and maintenance).
      6.   Educational materials, classes, equipment, and infrastructure associated with conservation-based education and outreach.
      7.   Other activities as identified by the City Council.
      8.   Identify projects where CEP funds may be used to supplement or replace existing maintenance requirements of the city, or its partners, if associated with existing mitigation or conservation efforts.
   C.   Monitor and evaluate implementation of the Conservation Education Plan and the City's Capital Improvements and Maintenance Plan;
   D.   File reports, at least annually, with respect to the completion and status of projects utilizing conservation funds to the Mayor and Council any perceived issues in implementing of the program; and
   E.   Advise the Mayor and Council of the need to update or revise the Conservation and Education Program or funding plans.
   F.   The Mayor and Council shall make available to the Committee, upon request, all financial and accounting information, professional reports in relation to other development and implementation of land use assumptions, the Conservation Education program and periodic updates of the Capital Improvements Plan and budget.
This chapter shall not be construed in any manner as infringing upon any authorization previously granted to any other commission or board of the City, but all the departments and officials of the City shall cooperate with the Committee for the purpose of coordinating the efforts and functions of all departments, commissions, and boards of the City for the development of all public facilities of the City.
(Ord. 896, 6-13-2023)