The City may refuse to supply access where there is a possibility that the delivery of such may seriously impair or disrupt any other customers, or which may disrupt the operation of the fiber-optic system. The City may also discontinue or disconnect access for a customer if the customer, by their use of the fiber-optic system, impairs any other customer's use of the fiber-optic system. The City may also, without prior notice, suspend or disconnect any customer using the fiber-optic system for the purposes of delivering any virus, spam, spyware, denial of service attacks, or any other illegal or malicious purpose which has the effect of or is intended to impair or impede the operation of the fiber-optic system, the internet, or any public or private computer or computer network connected thereto or for the purpose of obtaining illegal or unauthorized access to other computers or networks connected to the fiber-optic system. (Ord. 864, 5-24-2022)