§ 112.02 DEFINITION.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   TAXICAB, TAXI or CAB. A motor vehicle for hire designed to carry ten persons or less, operated upon any street or on call or demand, accepting or soliciting passengers indiscriminately for transportation for hire between such points along streets or highways as may be directed by the passenger or passengers so being transported, and equipped with a taximeter, for compensation fixed by a taximeter. A taxicab is not a motor vehicle which operates over fixed routes within the corporate limits.
   TAXIMETER. A mechanical and or electronic device attached to a taxicab, which calculates the authorized charge on the basis of distance traveled, waiting time, or a combination of both which reflects the rates previously submitted to the city. Charges shall be indicated upon such device in dollars and cents. A TAXIMETER may not be an internet based application. Rideshare vehicles or enterprises operating or dispatched via internet based applications shall not be construed as taxicabs under this section.
(Prior Code, § 112.02) (Ord. O-2022-03, passed 1-11-2022)