The proceeds of the 1% excise (sales) tax shall be used to fund street improvements, including, but not limited to, constructing, reconstructing, improving, rehabilitating, resurfacing, and repairing streets, including sidewalks, lighting, street enhancement improvements, drainage improvements, and signalization, all for the use and benefit of the city, and/or for the payment of debt service in connection with obligations heretofore issued or to be issued by the city and any public trust having the city as beneficiary thereof to finance or refinance said street improvements and related costs.
(Prior Code, § 37.031) (Ord. 1073, passed 6-11-1985; Ord. 1099, passed 11-11-1986; Ord. 1120, passed 12-8-1987; Res. 1202, passed - -; Ord. 1317, passed 8-24-2000; Ord. 1408, passed 8-12-200; Ord. 1430, passed 3-9-2004; Ord. 1431, passed 3-9-2004; Ord. 1589, passed 1-22-2008; Ord. 1851, passed 4-10-2018; Ord. 1893, passed 12-2-2019; Ord. O-2023-19, passed 12-7-2023)