(A)   Submittal requirements. Home builders shall furnish the following items for tree preservation at the time the building permit application is submitted for all lots designated as custom graded lots on the subdivision tree preservation plan (if required):
      (1)   A proposed lot grading/tree preservation plan. The tree inventory created by the subdivider shall be used as the base for the lot grading/tree preservation plan. The home builder shall meet with City staff to review the proposed plan to determine the placement of the home where the fewest trees would be destroyed or damaged. The individual lot tree preservation/grading plan shall be approved by City staff prior to issuance of a building permit. Site grading for individual lots shall be consistent with the final grading plan of the plat;
      (2)   A tree protection management plan consistent with the requirements of § 154.142(C) of this chapter; and
      (3)   A financial security acceptable to the City in the amount of $350 per tree designated to be saved. Builders shall be liable for their subcontractors that destroy or damage trees that were indicated to be saved on the individual lot tree preservation plan.
   (B)   Certification of plan implementation.
      (1)   The Building Inspector shall monitor the tree protection management practices at the time of routine inspections.
      (2)   Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy and release of tree preservation security, the Building Inspector shall certify in writing the final disposition of saved trees on the lot and that all the tree protection measures identified on the tree preservation plan were installed from the start of construction to the end of construction and tree replacement is completed, if necessary.
      (3)   If tree replacement is required on the individual lot because the builder destroyed or damaged a tree which was to be saved, the Building Inspector in conjunction with the property owner/builder shall determine where the replacement tree shall be installed. Tree replacement shall be consistent with § 154.144 of this chapter.
(Ord. passed 3-20-2002, § 25, sub. 4)