A.   Signing Of Plat:
      1.   When a bond is required, the chairman of the planning commission shall endorse approval on the final plat after the bond has been approved by the governing body and all conditions of the resolution pertaining to the plat have been satisfied; and
      2.   When installation of improvements is required, the chairman of the planning commission shall endorse approval on the plat after all conditions of the resolution have been satisfied and all improvements satisfactorily completed.
   B.   Recording Of The Plat:
      1.   Upon final approval of the plat and affixing of all required signatures, the subdivider shall prepare two (2) contact reproducibles which shall be fully executed;
      2.   The subdivider, accompanied by a representative of the planning commission, shall file the original tracing and two (2) contact reproducibles with the county clerk and shall be responsible for all filing fees; and
      3.   The county clerk shall enter the original tracing of record and return one to the administrative officer of the planning commission. (Res. 901, 5-10-1977)