A. Purpose: The purpose of the outdoor storage regulations is to require that property be maintained in such a condition that it does not adversely impact the health, safety, and welfare of the community. These regulations are intended to prevent potential adverse impacts such as, but not limited to:
1. Vermin or rodent infestations;
2. Creation of an attractive nuisance potentially hazardous to children;
3. Reduced emergency response time; or
4. Creation of unsightly or undesirable conditions potentially impacting the value of property.
B. Exceptions:
1. Requirements are not applicable to Agriculture zoned property to any vehicle, equipment and/or materials required for use in the agricultural operations conducted on the property provided such vehicles, equipment and/or materials are stored in a safe and sanitary manner.
2. Requirements are not applicable to properties on which a structure is being constructed or renovated in accordance with this Code or is being demolished, but must be removed by expiration date of the permit. Equipment and/or materials must be stored in a safe and sanitary manner.
C. Outdoor Material Storage: No portion of any undeveloped or vacant residential property site and, for any developed residential property site, no portion of any front yard or any required side yard setback, shall be used for the storage of any of the following: depositing, storing, or maintaining any garbage, junk, or an accumulation of materials such as vehicle parts, tires, appliances, indoor furniture, boxes, crates, packing cases, mattresses, bedding, lumber, scrap iron, tin, equipment, machinery, salvage materials or other materials.
Items and materials may be stored in rear yards provided such is screened from public view or stored within an approved storage structure constructed in accordance with applicable building and zoning regulations.
D. Violations And Penalty: Any violation of this section shall constitute an infraction punishable as provided for in section 12-393 of this chapter. (Ord. 1639, 10-24-2006)