(a)    Within eighteen (18) months of the effective date of this Article, and no sooner than six (6) months following the enactment of regulations providing for specific requirements and standards for stormwater management and drainage upon all new developments and redevelopment projects, stormwater management plans and comprehensive drainage plans for any new construction or reconstruction within the City watershed shall be submitted to the Director and CCEO. The Director and CCEO shall review the plans for compliance with the applicable rules and standards. Plans developed to meet Federal or State requirements may be submitted, and will be approved if they conform to the requirements of this article.
   (b)    The plan submission and review process shall be coordinated with and integrated into the City planning and permitting process. Following the effective date of this section, no building permit shall be issued without an approved stormwater management plan if required under this article.
(Ord. 626. Passed 3-17-08.)