The City Engineer shall have control of, and supervise the building and construction of all sidewalks in the City; and it shall be his duty to see that all sidewalks hereafter built and constructed shall conform in every respect to the plans, specifications, orders and requirements as furnished him by Council, and see that all orders and regulations adopted by Council with reference to the building and construction of sidewalks are carried out and enforced. It shall be the duty of all property owners, or other persons, before building or constructing any sidewalks along any public street, avenue, alley, road, or highway, to notify the Engineer of their intentions to build and construct such sidewalks, and such property owners or other persons in the building and construction of any sidewalk shall cause the same to conform to the plans, specifications, requirements, and orders of the City Engineer. Any person who fails to conform and comply with the provisions of this section shall bear the expense of the removing of any sidewalk constructed contrary to the rules, regulations, orders and requirements of Council, and the cost of such removal shall be levied and collected in the same manner in which assessments for the building and constructing of sidewalks are authorized to be collected as set out and provided in Section 49 of the Charter; provided, that such property owners or other persons who shall construct a sidewalk contrary to the provisions of this section shall have the privilege of removing such sidewalk at his or her own expense; and it shall be the duty of the City to serve reasonable notice upon such property owners or other persons of its intention to remove or cause to be removed such sidewalk. (l978 Code Sec. 25-3.)