In case of the construction of any pavement, sewer, sidewalk or other permanent improvement under the provisions of this Charter, when an assessment shall be void or voidable by reason of errors, irregularities or defects in case proceedings under which such improvements shall have been made, or in case such assessment shall have been made against the wrong person, it shall be the duty of the Council, within two years after any court shall have declared such assessment invalid, to cause notice to be given to any person against whom the cost of such improvement might properly have been assessed under this Charter, of its intention to lay such assessment against him, and fixing a time and place at which he may appear and show cause, if any, why such assessment should not be laid. Said notice shall be served as provided in this Charter for the giving of notices in assessments proceedings, or in any other manner provided by law, including by publication, if the person is a non-resident of the City or cannot be found.
   At the time and place fixed for a hearing under the notice aforesaid, the Council shall proceed to lay and levy an assessment for the cost of such permanent improvement in such manner as would have been lawful under proper proceedings at the time said improvement was made, unless the person so notified shall show good cause why the same should not be laid, and no further notice of such assessment shall be necessary. The assessment so laid shall be a lien upon the property liable therefor, as of the date of the original void, or voidable, assessment, and shall be recorded in the same manner as is hereinafter provided. This section shall apply to assessments made and certificates issued under Section eighty-five of this Charter, as well as to other assessments and liens for public improvements.