(a)    Purpose. The purpose of this Article shall be to protect and safeguard the public funds of the City of Dunbar West Virginia by establishing fair and equitable procedures to authorize expenditures, solicit competitive bids for certain proposed contracts, maximize the purchasing value of public funds and ensure consistency, integrity and transparency regarding the expenditure of public funds.
   (b)    Applicability. This Article applies to all Contracts, and the procedure for negotiating and approving all Contracts, entered into by the City after the effective date of this article. This Article shall apply to every Expenditure of public funds irrespective of source. Nothing in this Article shall prevent any City Official or Department from complying with the terms and conditions of any grant, gift or bequest that is otherwise consistent with State and Federal Law.
   (c)    Authority. The City Council adopted this Article on behalf of the City of Dunbar under authority granted by the State of West Virginia pursuant to section ten, article twelve, chapter eight of the West Virginia Code of 1931, as amended and other more general authority of chapter eight.
   (d)    Supremacy of State Law and Severability. Where this Article conflicts with the West Virginia Code law shall supersede and control only to the extent of the inconsistency. Any provision of this Article that is in violation of or inconsistent with State law shall be severable and the remaining portions of this Article shall remain in full force and effect.
   (e)    Construction. This Article shall be strictly construed.
   (f)    Repeal Previous Article. The adoption of this Article 109 of the City Code of the City of Dunbar, West Virginia shall serve to repeal the prior Article 109 and any ordinances in the City Code, dealing with those topics covered by this Article are superseded hereby and Article 109 is intended to control in all respects as to the issues addressed herein.
(Ord. 641. Passed 12-7-09.)