The limits and boundary lines of the Wards shall be as follows:
   (a)   First Ward. As described on a Map titled "City of Dunbar, Re-Districting of Wards, for the City of Dunbar, First Ward" Sheet W1 and beginning at a point at the intersection of the Kanawha River and 10th Street (WV Route 25/47) and traveling in a northerly direction with l0th street an approximate distance and bearing of 1,361.43 feet N 04009'10" E to a point in the intersection of 10th Street and Dunbar Avenue (WV Route 25/26), thence an approximate distance and bearing of 70.75 feet N 17o35'10" E to a point in the intersection of 10th Street and the Norfolk Southern Railroad tracks, thence following said railroad with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 635.71 feet N 71o23'00" W, thence following said railroad with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 657.17 feet N 67o06'40" W, thence following said railroad with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 392.62 feet N 63o50'30" W, thence following said railroad with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 361.53 feet N 61o42'10" W, thence following said railroad with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 355.70 feet N 59o15'30" W, thence following said railroad with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 325.54 feet N 57o 29'40" W, thence following said railroad with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 378.82 feet N 55o08'10" W, thence following said railroad with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 517.50 feet N 52o20'40" W, thence following said railroad with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 597.23 feet N 48o32'40" W to a point in the intersection of 23rd Street and said railroad tracks, thence in a southerly direction following 23rd Street with a distance and bearing of 741.27 feet S 43o24'30" W to a point in the intersection of 23rd Street and Myers Avenue, thence traveling in a westerly direction with a distance and bearing of 597.51 feet N 46o17'30" W, thence following Myers Avenue in a approximate distance and bearing of 616.44 feet N 43o17'30" W to a point in the intersection of Myers Avenue and 27th Street, thence traveling in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 191.53 feet S 49o04'30" W to a point at the intersection of 27th Street and the Kanawha River, thence following the high water mark of Kanawha River in an approximate distance and bearing of 382.91 feet S 19o38'50" E, thence following said River with an approximate distance and bearing of 657.88 feet S 25o47'50" E, thence following said River with an approximate distance and bearing of 277.30 feet S 24o58'20" E, thence following said River with an approximate distance and bearing of 299.76 feet S 29o01'10" E, thence following said River with an approximate distance and bearing of 343.29 feet S 30o28'00" E, thence following said River with an approximate distance and bearing of 578.81 feet S 38o11'50" E, thence following said River with an approximate distance and bearing of 405.12 feet S 44o22'40" E, thence following said River with an approximate distance and bearing of 208.22 feet S 45o52'10" E, thence following said River with an approximate distance and bearing of 366.37 feet S 53o43'50" E, thence following said River with an approximate distance and bearing of 286.39 feet S 60o17'50'' E, thence following said River with an approximate distance and bearing of 361.01 feet S 67o19'50" E, thence following said River with an approximate distance and bearing of 330.14 feet S 68o24'50" E, thence following said River with an approximate distance and bearing of 389.19 feet S 71o53'20" E, thence following said River with an approximate distance and bearing of 623.83 feet S 75o30'50" E, thence following said River with an approximate distance and bearing of 562.75 feet S 78o27'30'' E, thence following said River with an approximate distance and bearing of 429.89 feet S 82o59'50" E, thence following said River with an approximate distance and bearing of 237.26 feet N 89o27'00" E to the point of beginning containing more or less 8,585,065.42 square feet or 197.08 acres.
   (b)   Second Ward. As described on a Map titled "City of Dunbar, Re-Districting of Wards, for the City of Dunbar, Second Ward" Sheet W2 and beginning at a point at the intersection of the alley between l7th Street and 18th Street and Norfolk Southern Railroad Tracks and traveling in a northerly direction and following the alley between 17th and 18th Street with an approximate distance and bearing of 2,250.46 feet N 43o29'50" E to a point on the north side of Interstate 64, thence traveling in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 381.41 feet S 28o40'40" E to a point thence traveling in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 1,304.29 feet N 58o30'10" E to a point, thence traveling in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 1,115.56 feet N 22o00'40" E to a point, thence traveling in northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 1,449.71 feet N 43o36'00" W to a point, thence traveling in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 2,146.43 feet S 76o45'40" W to a point in the intersection of Fairlawn Avenue (WV Route 25) and 26th Street, thence in a westerly direction following Fairlawn Avenue with an approximate distance and bearing of 350.00 feet N 27o19'20" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 655.10 feet S 45o59'30" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 323.20 feet S 44o07'40" E to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 784.25 feet S 44o02'40" W to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 1,294.93 feet N 52o58'20" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 699.47 feet S 68o07'40" W to a point near the Dunbar Wastewater Treatment facility, thence in a westerly direction following the Wastewater Treatment Facilities fence line with an approximate distance and bearing of 384.14 feet N 27o43'30" W to a point in Jordan Drive, thence following Jordan Drive in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 468.95 feet S 64o56'40" W to a point in the intersection of Jordan Drive (WV Route 25/16) and Norfolk Southern Railroad tracks, thence following said railroad tracks with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 485.11 feet S 30o29'10" E, thence with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 196.82 feet S 33o05'50" E, thence with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 185.89 feet S 33o30'40" E, thence following the center line of Finney Branch in a southerly direction with a distance and bearing of 126.08 feet S 59o12'30" W, thence in a westerly direction with a distance and bearing of 113.59 feet N 63o00'30" W, thence in a westerly direction with a distance and bearing of 303.46 feet N 20o50'50" W, thence in a westerly direction with a distance and bearing of 68.44 feet N 53o40'40" W, thence in a southerly direction with a distance and bearing of 46.31 feet S 56o28'00" W, thence in a southerly direction with a distance and bearing of 218.40 feet S 26o22'00" W, thence in a southerly direction with a distance and bearing of 95.50 feet S 37o19'00" W to the mouth of Finney Branch at the Kanawha River, thence following said River in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 68.79 feet S 20o30'20" W to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 182.33 feet S 11o19'50" E, thence following said River in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 978.88 feet S 16o01'00" E, thence following said River in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 115.17 feet S 23o13'00" E, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 79.62 feet S 29o42'40" E to a point at the intersection 27th Street and the Kanawha River, thence following 27th Street in a northerly direction an approximate distance and bearing of 191.53 feet N 49o04'30" E to a point at the intersection of Myers avenue and 27th Street, thence following Myers Avenue in a south easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 616.44 feet S 43o17'30" E, thence following Myers Avenue in a south easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 597.51 feet S 46o17'30" E to a point at the intersection of Myers Avenue and 23rd Street, thence following 23rd Street in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 741.27 feet N 43o24'30" E to a point at the intersection of 23rd Street and the Norfolk Southern Railroad tracks, thence following said railroad tracks with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 597.23 feet S 48o32'40" E, thence following said railroad with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 517.50 feet S 52o20'40" E, thence following said railroad track in a easterly direction with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 378.82 feet S 55o08'10" E, thence following said railroad track in a easterly direction with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 151.80 feet S 58o57'30" E to the point of beginning at the intersection of the alley between 17th Street and 18th Street and Norfolk Southern Railroad tracks and containing more or less 15,159,638.72 square feet or 348.02 acres.
   (c)   Third Ward. As described on a Map titled “City of Dunbar, Re-Districting of Wards, for the City of Dunbar, Third Ward” Sheet W3 and beginning at a point at the intersection of the Kanawha River and l0th Street (WV Route 25/47) and traveling in a northerly direction with 10th street an approximate distance and bearing 1,361.43 feet N 04o09'10" E to a point at the intersection of 10th Street (WV Route 25/47) and Dunbar Avenue (WV Route 25/26), thence in a northerly direction with 10th Street to the intersection of 10th Street and the Norfolk Southern Railroad tracks with an approximate distance and bearing of 70.75 feet N 17o35'10" E, thence following said railroad tracks in a westerly direction with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 635.71 feet N 71o123'00" W, thence following said railroad tracks in a westerly direction with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 657.17 feet N 67o06'40" W, thence following said railroad tracks in a westerly direction with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 392.62 feet N 63o50'30" W, thence following said railroad tracks with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 361.53 feet N 61o42'10" W, thence following said railroad tracks in a westerly direction with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 355.70 feet N 59o15'30" W, thence following said railroad tracks in a westerly direction with a chord of an approximate distance and bearing of 173.74 feet N 58o50'20" W to a point at the intersection of the alley between 17th Street and 18th Street and the Norfolk Southern Railroad Tracks, thence traveling in a northerly direction with the alley between 17th Street and 18th Street with an approximate distance and direction of 2,254.90 feet N 43o36'50" E to a point at the intersection of the alley between 17th Street and 18th Street and Interstate 64 located on the north side of Interstate 64, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 380.14 feet S 28o40'40" E to a point thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and direction of 1,304.29 feet N 58o30'10" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 370.69 feet S 28o08'00" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 773.35 feet S 57o56'20" E, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and direction of 525.50 feet S 44o00'00" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 203.45 feet S 05o55'50" E to a point near the intersection of Roxalana Road (WV Route 25/25) and Circle Drive, thence in a easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 673.54 feet S 71o50'30" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and direction of 505.29 feet S 44o42'30" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and direction of 293.45 feet S 30o21'50" E to a point in Low Gap Road, thence in a southerly direction following Low Gap Road with an approximate distance and bearing of 236.80 feet S 41o32'10" W to a point near the intersection of Low Gap Road and Westmoreland Drive, thence traveling with Westmoreland Drive in an Easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 527.71 feet S 65o13'20" E to a point, thence following Westmoreland Drive in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 662.95 feet S 64o24'40" E to a point, thence leaving Westmoreland Drive in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 431.28 feet N 35o48'30" E to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 800.34 feet N 18o10'00" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 524.39 feet N 52o14'10" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and direction of 883.01 feet S 73o31'30" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 577.09 feet S 45o44'20" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and direction of 539.28 feet S 40o00'20" E to a point, thence traveling in an easterly direction along the north side of Wilson Street with an approximate distance and bearing of 2,975.36 feet N 65o29'20" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate direction and bearing of 574.98 feet N 54o45'20" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 735.36 feet N 62o02'30" E crossing Tyler Creek to a point near the centerline of West Washington Street (WV Route 62), thence in a southerly direction following West Washington Street with an approximate distance and bearing of 322.40 feet S 18o10'40" E to a point at the intersection of West Washington Street, 7th Avenue and Dunbar Avenue, thence following Dunbar Avenue in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 343.06 feet S 74o35'20" W to a point in Dunbar Avenue, thence leaving Dunbar Avenue and following the meanders of Tyler Creek to the high water mark of the Kanawha River with an approximate distance and bearing of 361.28 feet S 01o59'10'' W, thence following said river in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 1,545.38 feet S 67o10'10'" W, thence following said river in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 1,193.01 feet S 65o08'10" W, thence following said river in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 1,231.73 feet S 52o56'30" W, thence following said river in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 350.93 feet S 82o30'30" W, thence following said river in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 432.81 feet S 86o54'00" W, thence following said river in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 454.21 feet S 59o25'40" W, thence following said river in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 429.99 feet S 59o52'20" W, thence following said river in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 808.05 feet S 56o42'00" W, thence following said river in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 228.28 feet S 42o45'30" W, thence following said river in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 598.53 feet S 84o34'00" W, thence following said river in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 1,103.42 feet S 85o13'10" W, thence following said river in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 712.06 feet S 83o45'10" W to a point near the mouth of Aarons Branch, thence following said river in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 650.96 feet N 88o42'00" W, thence following said river in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 376.78 feet N 88o39'20" W to the point of beginning being the intersection of 10th Street and the Kanawha River and containing more or less 19,531,044.25 square feet or 448.37 acres.
   (d)   Fourth Ward. As described on a Map titled "City of Dunbar, Re-Districting of Wards, for the City of Dunbar, Fourth Ward" Sheet W4 and beginning at a point near the intersection of Roxalana Road (WV Route 25/25) and Circle Drive and traveling in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 203.45 feet N 05o55'50" W to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 525.50 feet N 44o00'00" E, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 773.35 feet N 57o56'20" W to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 370.69 feet N 28o08'00" W to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 1,115.56 feet N 22o00'40" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 489.33 feet N 47o57'50" E to a point, thence 765.71 feet N 17o03'50" E, thence 660.63 feet N 71o49'10" E, thence in a westerly direction and beginning the approximate boundary of Wine Cellar Park and Laura Anderson Lake with an approximate distance and bearing of 933.63 feet N 47o16'00" W to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 60.00 feet N 41.o13'30" E to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 203.39 feet N 48o44'30" W to a point on the east side of Dutch Hollow Road (WV Route 25/5), thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 63.65 feet S 46o51.'50" W to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 30.00 feet N 42o15'20" W to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and direction of 1,163.77 feet N 48o56'00" W to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 526.88 feet N 51o29'30" W to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 1,540.04 feet N 45o20" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 1,582.80 feet S 87o07'00" E to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 1,030.30 feet N 12o16'20" E to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 692.03 feet N 15o46'00" W to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 798.05 feet N 26o20'10" E to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 353.00 feet N 49o05'30" W to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 588.09 feet N 18o46'20" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 108.50 feet N 59o01'20" E to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 94.07 feet N 05o26'20" E to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 88.17 feet N 38o46'00" W to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 130.66 feet N 12o33'10" E to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 88.35 feet N 09o25'10" E to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 74.90 feet N 10o44'50" E to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 55.80 feet N 17o11'40" E to a point near the east side of Dutch Hollow Road, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 85.67 feet S 03o41'20" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 230.13 feet S 05o10'00" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 189.26 feet S 16o17'00" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 223.59 feet S 26o15'50" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 134.86 feet S 29o22'10" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 67.04 feet S 29o48'30" E to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 65.00 feet S 59o46'20" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 129.94 feet S 27o28'10" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 144.74 feet S 16o46'20" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 174.04 feet S 21o56'30" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 209.27 feet S 22o44'50" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 123.85 feet S 28o07'00" E to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 95.00 feet N 58o21'40" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 111.50 feet S 34o14'10" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 115.60 feet S 39o24'30" E to a point, thence northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 9.81 feet N 45o40'00" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 112.35 feet S 44o12'30" E to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 45.72 feet N 42o19'00" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 96.83 feet S 49o55'00" E to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 340.64 feet S 50o54'20" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 304.19 feet S 26o53'10" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 466.22 feet S 68o51'50" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 463.50 feet S 63o24'30" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 380.95 feet S 01o30'30" W to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 321.90 feet S 44o05'30" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 240.11 feet S 33o21'30" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 360.70 feet S 78o23'30" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 666.14 feet S 05o56'30" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 362.47 feet S 20o45'00" E to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 383.40 feet S 65o05'40" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 162.46 feet S 04o00'20" W to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 1,048.47 feet N 84o10'20" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 164.72 feet S 43o35'10" W to a point, thence in southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 834.71 feet S 34o26'40" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 1,362.15 feet S 52o31'00" W to a point, thence in southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 329.32 feet S 60o34'30" W to a point closing the approximate boundaries and extents of Wine Cellar Park and Laura Anderson Lake, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 1,202.38 feet S 51o51'30" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 565.54 feet S 49o56'10" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 279.80 feet S 53o01'40" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 135.48 feet S 57o28'20" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 176.24 feet N 88o12'00'' E to a point near Shafer Drive, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 198.24 feet N 17o24'40" E to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 171.38 feet N 76o43'00" W to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 371.11 feet N 15o23'40" W to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 215.34 feet N 00o06'20" W to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 172.94 feet N 16o49'00" W to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 147.51 feet N 74o16'50" E to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 152.90 feet N 10o 53'10" W to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 169.91 feet S 75o14'10" W to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 76.51 feet N 13o24'30" W to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and direction of 184.09 feet N 77o23'20" E to a point along the west side of Lower Midway Drive, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 97.02 feet N 05o47'50" E to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 135.81 feet N 23o20'10" E to a point, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 507.05 feet N 24o06'20" E to a point along the west side of Lower Midway Drive, thence in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 222.21 feet N 20o04'40" E to a point, thence in a westerly direction and leaving Lower Midway Drive with an approximate distance and bearing of 718.27 feet N 55o33'20" W to a point that joins the boundaries of Wine Cellar Park, thence in a northerly direction and following said park boundary, with an approximate distance and bearing of 465.00 feet N 34o26'40" E to a point, thence leaving said park boundary in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 364.86 feet S 34o53'20" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 558.38 feet S 76o16'50" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 380.13 feet S 23o21'40" W to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 156.42 feet S 57o21'30" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 103.95 feet S 78o18'50" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 89.13 feet N 84o14'20" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 196.18 feet N 50o32'00" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 216.74 feet N 54o02'10" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 112.92 feet N 81o13'30" E to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 38.28 feet S 61o07'50" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 44.13 feet S 07o19'20" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 267.19 feet S 26o31'20" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 239.87 feet S 23o23'20" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 123.23 feet S 03o52'00" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 65.60 feet S 10o59'30" E to a point, thence in southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 122.42 feet S 28o12'10" E to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 148.71 feet S 66o54'30" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 152.20 feet S 19o42'10" E to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 202.26 feet S 81o54'30" W to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate     distance and bearing of 298.23 feet S 33o46'30" W to a point, thence in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 1,784.99 feet S 37o52'30" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 606.69 feet S 11o28'10" W to a point near the centerline of Roxalana Road, thence following said centerline in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 58.52 feet S 77o35'40" E, thence with said centerline with an approximate distance and bearing of 116.64 feet S 73o09'00" E, thence following the centerline of said road with an approximate distance and bearing of 353.00 feet S 69o43'00"' E, thence following the centerline of said road with an approximate distance and bearing of 84.33 feet S 74o35'00" E, thence following the centerline of said road with an approximate distance and bearing of 96.45 feet S 82o39"50" E, thence following the centerline of said road with an approximate distance and bearing of 111.33 feet N 74o43'50" E, thence following the centerline of said road with an approximate distance and bearing of 110.59 feet N 60o27'50" E, thence following the centerline of said road with an approximate distance and bearing of 370.88 feet N 45o54'10"' E, thence following the centerline of said road with an approximate distance and bearing of 349.63 feet N 45o28'30" E, thence following the centerline of said road with an approximate distance and bearing of 132.99 feet N 46o37'50" E, thence following the centerline of said road with an approximate distance and bearing of 186.56 feet N 51o12'20" E, thence following the centerline of said road with an approximate distance and bearing of 105.08 feet N 61o01'40'' E, thence following the centerline of said road with an approximate distance and bearing of 112.78 feet N 70o55'20" E, thence following the centerline of said road with an approximate distance and bearing of 340.89 feet N 79o47'50" E, thence following the centerline of said road with an approximate distance and bearing of 175.77 feet N 88o51'20" E, thence following the centerline of said road with an approximate distance and bearing of 357.94 feet S 83o13'40" E, thence following the centerline of said road with an approximate distance and bearing of 163.71 feet S 82o23'50" E, thence following the centerline of said road with an approximate distance and bearing of 120.39 feet S 69o26'20" E, thence with said centerline with an approximate distance and bearing of 197.64 feet S 60o57'00" E to the intersection of Roxalana Road and West Washington Street (WV Route 62), thence following the centerline of West Washington Street with an approximate distance and bearing of 249.40 feet S 40o38'30" E to a point, thence leaving West Washington Street in an easterly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 409.41 feet N 57o21'00" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 272.60 feet S 04o24'00" E to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and direction of 342.02 feet S 28o56'20" E, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 358.78 feet S 31o41'10" W to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 35.32 feet S 75o40'10" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 142.67 feet S 17o54'40" E to a point, thence following the centerline of West Washington Street with an approximate distance and bearing of 59.37 feet S 17o52'50" E to a point near the centerline of said road, thence leaving said road in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 735.36 feet S 62o02'30" W crossing Tyler Branch to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 574.98 feet S 54o45'20° W to a point, thence in a southerly direction and following Wilson Street but not including Wilson Street with an approximate distance and bearing of 2,975.36 feet S 65o29'20" W to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 539.28 feet N 40o00'20" W to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 577.09 feet N 45o44'20" W to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 883.01 feet N 73o31'30" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 524.39 feet S 52o14'10" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 800.34 feet S 18o10'00" W to a point, thence in a southerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 431.28 feet S 35o48'30" W to a point near the centerline of Westmoreland Drive, thence following said centerline of Westmoreland Drive in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 662.95 feet N 64o24'40" W to a point along the centerline of Westmoreland Drive, thence in a westerly direction with said centerline of road with an approximate distance and bearing of 527.71 feet N 65o13'20" W to a point at the intersection of Low Gap Road and Westmoreland Drive, thence following the centerline of Low Gap Road in a northerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 236.80 feet N 41o32'10" to a point, thence leaving Low Gap Road in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 293.45 feet N 30o21'50" W to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 505.29 feet N 44o42'30" W to a point, thence in a westerly direction with an approximate distance and bearing of 673.54 feet N 71o50'30" W to the point of beginning containing more or less 41,838,973.55 square feet or 960.49 acres.
      (Passed 9-21-12)