A.   New Large Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations are permitted as a Conditional Use only within the Large Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Overlay Zone. New Large Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations are not permitted on A-10 and A-5 zoned lands located outside of the overlay zone boundaries.
   B.   Applications for Conditional Use Permits to operate new Large Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations within the Large Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Overlay Zone shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 13 of this title. Applicants shall comply not only with the Conditional Use Permit criteria; but also, with any state and federal requirements enacted to protect surface water, groundwater or other resources. New Large Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations shall develop a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (approved by Duchesne County, the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF).
   C.   Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 8-4-12, an existing Large Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation located outside of the overlay zone boundary shall be allowed to expand (in acreage covered and in animal numbers).
   D.   Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 8-9-18 (A & B), the expansion (in acreage covered and in animal numbers) of an Animal Feeding Operation existing as of the date of this Section to a Large Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation shall be allowed in A-5 and A-10 zones, outside of the Large Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Overlay Zone, provided that:
      1.   A Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan has been approved;
      2.   All state and federal regulations have been met.
   E.   A change in ownership or operator of a Large Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation shall not affect the land use status of the Operation, provided that the new owner or operator continues to comply with all state and federal agency operational requirements. (Ord. 22-392, 1-31-2022)