(A)   Application for licenses for seasonal business operation shall be filed with the City Manager or his designee on a form to be furnished by the municipality, which shall require, at least the following information:
      (1)   The name or names of the person or persons having the management or supervision of the applicant's business during the time that it is proposed to be carried out in the municipality;
      (2)   The local address or addresses of such person or persons while engaged in such business;
      (3)   The permanent address or addresses of such person or persons;
      (4)   The capacity in which such person or persons will act (that is, whether as proprietor, agent or otherwise);
      (5)   The name and address of firm or corporation on whose account the business will be carried on, if any; and if a corporation under the laws of what state the same is incorporated;
      (6)   The place or places within the municipality where it is proposed to carry on the applicant's business, and the length of time during which it is proposed that the business shall be conducted;
      (7)   A sketch or site plan showing the actual location on the lot or site, or portion thereof, where the seasonal business shall be conducted, and a statement by the applicant indicating compliance with the site requirements set forth herein.
   (B)   If the City Manager or his designee determines after an investigation that the information furnished under the requirements set forth herein is correct, that the applicant proposes to engage in lawful, seasonal business enterprises and that the site and location for the operation of such business is in compliance with the municipality's zoning regulations and the site requirements set forth herein, he shall issue a license to the applicant.
('80 Code, § 741.04) (Ord. 110-88, passed 11-21-88)