For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CANVASSER . Any person who seeks to disseminate any lawful message by means of traveling from place to place without soliciting funds or donations.
   CHARITABLE. Includes the words patriotic, philanthropic, social service, welfare, eleemosynary, benevolent, educational, civic, fraternal, veteran's medical and social research, either actual or purported.
   PEDDLER. Any person who carries with him for the purpose of sale at retail and immediate or future delivery, goods, wares, food or merchandise, or any person who in person as principal or agent canvasses, sells or otherwise obtains orders or commitments for the sale, repair or exchange of goods, wares, food or merchandise, or services.
   RELIGIOUS or RELIGION. Shall not include the word charitable, but shall be given their commonly accepted definitions.
   SOLICITOR. Any person who obtains or seeks to obtain funds for any cause whatsoever by means of canvassing from place to place.
('80 Code, § 717.01) (Am. Ord. 20-94, passed 4-4-94; Am. Ord. 112-02, passed 10-7-02)