(A)   All development activity subject to these regulations shall be provided with erosion and sediment control (ESC) practices during all phases of construction.
   (B)   No construction activity such as grading, cutting, or filling shall be commenced until erosion and sedimentation control devices have been installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
   (C)   Stormwater discharges during the five-year design storm shall be released to natural channels at a non-erosive velocity of less than three feet per second unless the channel is stabilized or otherwise able to withstand higher velocities, as determined by the City Engineer.
   (D)   No person shall cause or allow earth-disturbing activities on a development area except in compliance with the standards set out in this regulation and the applicable items below:
      (1)   An erosion and sediment control plan shall be submitted as part of the construction drawings submitted and approved prior to any earth-disturbing activities on development areas, including those development areas being a part of a larger common plan of development or sale. The person proposing such earth-disturbing activities shall develop and submit for approval a plan, as part of the final site improvement plans, containing erosion and sediment pollution control practices so that compliance with other provisions of this regulation shall be achieved during and after development. Such a plan shall address specific requirements contained with this regulation.
      (2)   The erosion and sediment control plan must contain a description of the controls appropriate for each construction operation covered by this regulation and the operator(s) must implement such controls. The terms must clearly describe for each major construction activity appropriate control measures and the general timing (or sequence) during the construction process that the measures will be implemented; and which contractor is responsible for implementation (e.g., contractor A will clear land and install perimeter controls and contractor B will maintain perimeter controls until final stabilization). The erosion, sediment, and storm water management practices used to satisfy the conditions of this regulation shall meet the standards and specifications in the current edition of Ohio's Rainwater and Land Development manual or other standards acceptable to the City Engineer.
      (3)   Owners and/or operators of projects subject to OEPA's Permit No. OH0000003 (or the current version) for storm water discharges associated with construction activities shall provide a copy of its OEPA notice of intent (NOI) submission and storm water pollution prevention plan (SWP3) to the City Engineer upon request.
      (4)   The standards outlined herein are general guidelines and shall not limit the right of the city to impose additional, more stringent requirements, nor shall the standards limit the right of the city to waive individual requirements.
(Ord. 48-05, passed 9-6-05; Am. Ord. 86-14, passed 9-8-14)