(A)   Drainage easements or rights-of-ways, as specified in the Stormwater Design Standards, shall be conveyed by the applicant at no expense to the city for the stormwater facilities within the development.
   (B)   When a proposed stormwater management system will carry water across private land outside the development, the offsite drainage easements as specified in the Stormwater Design Standards shall be secured by the owner or applicant.
   (C)   When a development is bifurcated by a stream, wetland or watercourse, the applicant shall provide a drainage easement or right-of-way conforming substantially to the lines of such watercourse or open channel, which shall be a minimum width, as specified in § 53.200.
   (D)   Easements and rights-of-way shall include suitable access as specified herein for maintenance equipment from public rights-of-ways.
   (E)   All drainage easements, both on-site and offsite, shall be recorded on a final plat or a separate recorded document approved by the city. Recording costs shall be the responsibility of the applicant. Recorded easements and rights-of-way documents shall be returned to the city's Finance Department.
   (F)   Outfall ditches, channels, and detention/retention facilities shall have sufficient rights-of-way and/or easements for the facility plus an unobstructed maintenance accessway on one or both sides. Said rights-of-way and/or easements shall be contiguous to public right-of-way or easement and shall allow for suitable access by maintenance equipment. Where the right-of-way and/or easement is provided for access only, the minimum width shall be as follows:
Ditch or Channel Top of Bank Width
Minimum Maintenance Accessway Required
Less than 16 feet
20 feet on one side
16 feet to 32 feet
20 feet on both sides
32 feet to 55 feet
20 feet on one side and 30 feet on the opposite side
Over 55 feet
30 feet on both sides
   (G)   Maintenance accessways shall be sloped no steeper than 1/4-inch per foot. Ponds shall have a sufficient right-of-way/easement to allow for installation plus an unobstructed maintenance accessways all around the perimeter of the pond.
   (H)   A 20-foot easement centered on a storm sewer shall be conveyed to the city when the storm sewer is not located within dedicated rights-of-way. Easements shall be contiguous to public rights-of-way and shall allow for suitable access by maintenance equipment.
   (I)   Overland flood routing paths shall be used to convey stormwater runoff from the 100-year, 24-hour storm event to an adequate receiving water body, stormwater system or stormwater detention basin such that the runoff is contained within the drainage easement for the flood routing path and does not cause flooding of residential or commercial buildings or related structures. Flood routing paths shall be evaluated using the peak 100-year water surface elevation such that it lies at least one foot below the finished floor elevation of adjoining structures. When designing the flood routing paths, the conveyance capacity of the site's storm sewers shall be taken into consideration.
(Ord. 48-05, passed 9-6-05; Am. Ord. 86-14, passed 9-8-14)