§ 53.010 PURPOSE.
   (A)   A chapter regulating stormwater from areas of new development and redevelopment for the purpose of protecting the public health, safety, and welfare; defining appropriate stormwater control measures for the quantity and quality of stormwater runoff in the city; providing for waivers; providing requirements for the protection of water resources; imposing application fees and procedures; requiring adherence to the plans approved by the City Engineer; providing for maintenance; and providing for enforcement and penalties for violation.
   (B)   In order to protect, maintain, and enhance both the immediate and the long-term health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Dublin, it is the intent of the city to enact this chapter so as to accomplish the following objectives:
      (1)   To prevent loss of life and loss of property due to flooding;
      (2)   To protect, restore, and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological quality of ground and surface waters;
      (3)   To encourage productive and enjoyable harmony between humanity and nature thus enhancing the scenic beauty and environment of the city;
      (4)   To prevent individuals, business entities, and governmental entities from causing harm to the community by activities which adversely affect water resources;
      (5)   To encourage the protection of natural systems, including groundwater and the use of those natural systems in ways which do not impair their beneficial functioning;
      (6)   To assist in stabilizing the banks of streams to reduce bank erosion and the downstream transport of sediments eroded from watercourse banks;
      (7)   To provide areas for natural meandering and lateral movement of stream channels;
      (8)   To minimize the transport of sediments and pollutants to surface water and groundwater;
      (9)   To provide high quality stream habitats with shade and food to a wide array of wildlife by maintaining diverse and connected riparian vegetation;
      (10)   To provide economical benefits to the city by minimizing encroachment on stream channels and reducing the need for costly engineering solutions such as dams and riprap;
      (11)   To protect structures and reduce property damage and threats to the safety of watershed residents;
      (12)   To add to the quality of life of the residents of the city and corresponding property values;
      (13)   To ensure the attainment of these objectives by requiring the approval and implementation of stormwater management plans for all activities which may have an adverse impact upon groundwater and surface water.
(Ord. 48-05, passed 9-6-05; Am. Ord. 86-14, passed 9-8-14)