(A)   The following rate is the charge for water service and use and is based on metered consumption of water:
Effective Date
Rate Per 1,000 Cubic Feet
January 1, 2024
   (B)   This rate is in addition to the water rates charged by the City of Columbus.
   (C)   Moneys received from the use of the water system shall be deposited in a separate fund (Water Fund) and used for the payment of the costs to operate and maintain the system and to make capital improvements to the system.
('80 Code, § 929.05) (Ord. 13-92, passed 4-20-92; Am. Ord. 94-07, passed 12-10-07; Am. Ord. 64-09, passed 11-16-09; Am. Ord. 56-11, passed 10-24-11; Am. Ord. 75-15, passed 11-2-15; Am. Ord. 31-20, passed 11-9-20; Am. Ord. 76-21, passed 11-15-21; Am. Ord. 43-23, passed 10-23-23)