(A)   In the interest of the public health, safety and welfare, no further water tap permits will be issued on the Summitview Road waterline after 1300 taps have been committed through approval of further zonings and including areas already developed which are served by this Summitview Road waterline, and that this waterline may not be extended to serve areas other than those which it was designed to serve.
   (B)   It is to be expressly understood that on any future rezonings or development plans involving this waterline, that will exceed this 1,300 maximum, the applicants shall be advised that there is no water service available until further improvements are made to the water system. However, it is expressly understood that, upon the approval of Council, this tap limit may be increased by the construction of improvements to the present system.
('80 Code, § 929.03) (Ord. 87-78, passed 11-6-78)