(A)   This investment policy has been approved by City Council and filed with the Auditor of State, pursuant to R.C. § 135.14(N)(1). Any amendments to this policy will be filed with the Auditor of State within 15 days of the effective date of the amendment.
   (B)   The investment portfolio will be managed in accordance with the parameters specified within this policy. Performance of the portfolio will be periodically monitored and compared to an appropriate benchmark.
   (C)   The Director of Finance will be responsible for providing regular reports to City Council. Such reports will accurately describe all portfolio assets, including transaction activity for the period. The city's investment policy shall be adopted by ordinance and modifications must be approved by City Council.
(Ord. 85-94, passed 10-3-94; Am. Ord. 89-96, passed 10-7-96; Am. Ord. 10-99, passed 2-16-99; Am. Ord. 63-22, passed 11-14-22)