(A)   One and one-half percent of the tax revenues shall be used as follows:
      (1)   Such part thereof as shall be necessary to defray the cost of collecting the taxes levied by this chapter and enforcing the provisions hereof.
      (2)   Such part thereof as Council may deem appropriate to the General Fund for the purpose of paying the cost of general municipal obligations.
      (3)   Such part thereof as Council may deem appropriate for the purpose of paying the cost of maintenance of, and the purchase of new equipment, motorized or other.
      (4)   Such part thereof as Council may appropriate for the purpose of paying the cost, acquisition, construction, repair and/or maintenance of streets.
   (B)   One-half of one percent of the tax revenues shall be transferred to a Capital Improvement Tax Fund and used exclusively for capital improvements.
('80 Code, § 181.15) (Ord. 100-90, passed 11-5-90; Am. Ord. 116-03, passed 11-17-03)