Leave with pay may be granted, upon the approval of the City Manager, or the City Manager’s designee, to an employee in the following instances:
   (A)   Court leave. The City of Dublin recognizes that it is the civic duty of its employees to participate in court proceedings as a juror or witness, not including personal matters, each permanent, full time employee shall be entitled to receive compensation at the regular rate of pay for each working day spent in a court service, not to exceed four weeks. A copy of the summons must be submitted to the employee's immediate supervisor as soon as the employee receives the summons. If the employee is released or excused from court service, and there are two hours or more left in the employee's scheduled work day, the employee is required to return to work or contact their supervisor and request to take accrued time to complete the normal work day. In the event the court provides an expense reimbursement to an employee summoned for court service, the employee is permitted to keep the stipend.
   (B)   Military reserve leave. Leave with pay may be granted to employees serving in full-time permanent positions who are members of military reserve organization in order that they might attend reserve duty. Such leave shall not be authorized as vacation, sick leave, or personal leave, or compensatory time, and shall in no case exceed two calendar weeks in a year. The city shall supplement military reserve compensation up to the employee's normal scheduled compensation had they worked for the city during this period. This provision shall be exercised only if the employee produces official evidence of compensation earned from the reserve unit within one week of the employee’s return to work for the city and upon approval of the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee.
   (C)   Injury leave. When a full-time permanent employee's absence from work is necessitated because of an illness or injury incurred while on the job with the city and the illness or injury is compensable under Ohio Worker's Compensation Law, injury leave may be granted at the discretion of the City Manager, or the City Manager’s designee, for a period of time not to exceed 180 calendar days. Such leave may be granted by the City Manager, or the City Manager’s designee, based upon the recommendation of the employee's department/ division head and upon submittal by the employee of a statement from a licensed physician justifying that the employee is unable to return to full work status due to the illness/injury. Such leave shall not be charged against the employee's sick leave balance unless it is determined that the illness or injury is a non-work related illness or injury and is not compensable under Ohio Worker's Compensation Law. In order to be eligible for injury leave, the employee must report the illness/injury to the employee’s supervisor within three workdays of the incident giving rise to the illness/injury. Simultaneously with the request for injury leave, the employee shall make application and actively prosecute a claim for lost wage benefits under Ohio Worker's Compensation Law. If the application for benefits is favorably considered, the city's obligation under the continued use of injury leave shall be the monetary difference between the employee's regular rate of pay and the benefits received under Worker's Compensation. It is the intent of the city to assure the employee of full pay while on injury leave, considering the lost wage benefits received from Worker's Compensation and the city in the aggregate.
   (D)   Other. Leave with pay may be granted by the City Manager, or the City Manager’s designee, for other good and sufficient reasons which are considered to be in the best interest of the city, but only in the event of extraordinary circumstances.
   (E)   Bereavement leave. All employees serving in full-time permanent positions shall be entitled to bereavement leave in the amount specified by the "Compensation Plan" adopted by City Council. This leave may be used for the death of one or more of the employee's immediate family members and extends to: mother-in-law, father-in- law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandmother-in-law, grandfather-in-law, aunt, uncle, or any other relative living in the employee's home.
('80 Code, § 163.13) (Am. Ord. 12-95, passed 3-20-95; Am. Ord. 98-96, passed 11-4-96; Am. Ord. 41-00, passed 3-20-00; Am. Ord. 69-08, passed 9-15-08; Amendment effective 1-1-22)