For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALLOCATION. The assignment of an individual position to an appropriate classification on the basis of the kind, difficulty and responsibility of the work performed in the positions, and allied positions when compared with that position.
   CERTIFICATION. Endorsement by the Director of Human Resources as meeting the minimum required standards for a vacant position.
   CHARTER. The Charter of Dublin, Ohio as adopted by the special election on July 24, 1979, and any subsequent amendments thereto.
   CITY. The City of Dublin, Ohio.
   CITY MANAGER. The chief executive, administrative and law enforcement officer of the city who is appointed by City Council in accordance with Article V of the Dublin City Charter.
   CLASSIFICATION. One or more positions sufficiently alike in duties, authority and responsibility to justify the same title, qualification and pay range.
   CLASSIFIED SERVICE. All employees of the city unless the positions which they occupy have been exempted from "classified service" pursuant to Section 7.01(A) of the Dublin Charter and Section 163.02(c) of this code and who, after completion of the original probationary period, or the probationary period following a promotion, may only be disciplined, dismissed or reduced in pay or position for just cause in accordance with the procedures contained within this code.
   COUNCIL. The City Council of Dublin, Ohio.
   DEMOTION. A change in employment status, usually for performance reasons, from a position of one classification to a position in another classification having a lower pay grade than the original classification.
   DEPARTMENT HEAD. That employee of the city in charge of an established department and its subordinate divisions. The departments and divisions are identified in the City Council approved City Organization Chart.
   DISCIPLINE. Positive corrective action taken by supervisory personnel to change or control the behavior of subordinate employees to conform with prescribed policy.
   DISMISSAL. The separation of an employee from employment for cause.
   DIVISION HEAD. That employee of the city in charge of an established division, which is subordinate to a department or the Office of the City Manager. The departments and divisions are identified in the City Council approved City Organization Chart.
   ELIGIBLE. A person whose name is on a list prepared by the Director of Human Resources as a result of passing an open competitive examination or is listed on a re-employment list as eligible.
   ELIGIBLE LIST. A list of eligible in the order of their final grades in an open competitive examination, or in an order determined by this chapter, as prepared by the Director of Human Resources.
   EMPLOYEE. An individual who performs work for the city and is duly authorized to receive compensation as reported to the IRS and who has designated the city as employer for tax purposes.
   GRIEVANCE. Any dispute, regarding the meaning, interpretation, application, or alleged violation of the provisions of this chapter.
   IMMEDIATE FAMILY. The current spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, grandparents or grandchildren. The relationships can be biological, adoptive, step, half, or foster and include any other individual who stood in loco parentis to the employee when the employee was a child.
   INTERMITTENT EMPLOYEE. Those non-permanent employees whose schedules, hours and/or positions may vary throughout the year such that they cannot be assigned to a full time or part time position.
   INFORMAL DISCIPLINE. An oral reprimand; action taken by supervisory personnel for minor infractions that do not warrant formal actions.
   JOB DESCRIPTION. The written description for a classification as approved by the City Manager. It shall include a descriptive title; a section dealing with the essential functions of the job, general responsibilities; a section of examples illustrative of the work; and a section listing the knowledge, education, skills, abilities, experience, and attributes that are required or desirable.
   LAYOFF. The temporary or permanent separation of an employee as a result of the abolishment of the position or the reduction of work due to a shortage of funds, materials, and/or available work.
   OVERTIME. Working time in excess of eight hours/day or 40 hours/week.
   PERMANENT FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE. An employee who is scheduled to work a minimum of 40 hours per week, who has satisfactorily completed the required probationary period and whose employment is expected to be continuing in duration and is provided for within the annual budget.
   PERMANENT PART-TIME EMPLOYEE. An employee who is scheduled to routinely work less than 30 hours per week, who has satisfactorily completed their probationary period and whose employment is normally expected to be continued in the foreseeable future and is provided for in the annual budget.
   POSITION. A group of duties and responsibilities designed to be performed by an individual. These duties and responsibilities are assigned or delegated by the City Manager and require the services of full-time or part-time employment of one qualified person.
   PROBATIONARY PERIOD. A working trial period during which the employee is required to demonstrate fitness for the duties of the position they are appointed to and during which may be terminated without just cause.
   PROMOTION. The change of an employee, usually for performance reasons or selection from a competitive process, from a position in one classification to a position in another classification having a higher pay grade.
   PROVISIONAL APPOINTMENT. An appointment made in the absence of an eligible list for the classification, on the basis of a non- competitive test.
   RECLASSIFICATION. The change of a job classification to a different class, category, or pay grade based upon employment needs of the city.
   REGULAR EMPLOYEE. A person who has been appointed to a position in the classified service from the eligible list and who has satisfactorily completed their probationary period.
   REORGANIZATION. The change in the way the city or any subordinate department or division is organized to include, operational structure, reporting hierarchy, supervisory alignment, reclassification of certain job classifications, and the addition or deletion of certain job classifications.
   SEASONAL EMPLOYEE. An employee who is hired during a particular season of the year, whose appointment lasts four to nine months in duration or up to 1,560 hours within a rolling 12-month period.
   TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT. An appointment to a position of nonpermanent character with a defined appointment that is traditionally less than one year.
   TRANSFER. A change of job assignment and/or classification created by an employment need as determined by the City Manager.
   UNCLASSIFIED SERVICE. All employees of the city who occupy positions which have been exempted from the "classified service" and who serve at the pleasure of the city, do not serve a probationary period, and may be dismissed, disciplined or reduced in pay or position at any time without regard to the procedures contained within this code.
('80 Code, § 163.01) (Ord. 3-80, passed 1-7-80)