   1353.07 ROOMING HOUSE.
   "Rooming house" means any dwelling structure in which one or more rooms are occupied by five or more roomers or lodgers or in which three or more rooms are kept, used, maintained, advertised or held out to the public to be a place where sleeping accommodations are offered for pay. "Roomer" means any person who is not a member of the family nor related by blood, marriage or legal adoption to the operator of a rooming·house, to whom space is provided for sleeping or boarding purposes for pay.
(Ord. 43-96. Passed 9-3-96; Ord. 8-21. Passed 4-5-21.)
   "Supply" or "supplied" means paid for, furnished or provided by, or under the control of the owner or operator.
(Ord. 43-96. Passed 9-3-96; Ord. 8-21. Passed 4-5-21.)
   1353.09 DOUBLE HOUSE.
   "Double house" means a detached dwelling arranged, intended or designed to be occupied by only two families living side by side with a party wall between.
(Ord. 43-96. Passed 9-3-96; Ord. 8-21. Passed 4-5-21.)
   "Two-family dwelling" means a detached dwelling arranged, intended or designed to be occupied by only two families, one of which has its principal living rooms on the first floor, the other of which has its principal living rooms on the second floor.
(Ord. 43-96. Passed 9-3-96; Ord. 8-21. Passed 4-5-21.)
   1353.11 HOUSING CODE.
   "Housing Code," means Ordinance 320-69, passed December 29, 1969, as amended, which is codified as Title Seven of this Part Thirteen - Building Code.
(Ord. 43-96. Passed 9-3-96; Ord. 8-21. Passed 4-5-21.)
   (a)    "Unsafe building" or "public nuisance" as used in the Building Code shall mean and include the following:
      (1)   Any building, house, shed, fence, or their man-made structure or parts thereof which by reason of its condition endangers human health, life or limb or is likely to cause the spread of disease or otherwise cause injury to the health or persons, or to surrounding neighborhood structures.
      (2)    Any building, house, shed, fence, or other man-made structure or parts thereof which by reason of faulty construction, age, lack of proper repair or other cause, is especially liable to occurrence of fire and constitutes or creates a fire hazard.
      (3)   Any building, house, shed, fence, or other man-made structure or parts thereof which by reason of faulty construction, age, lack of proper repair or any other cause, is especially liable to cause injury or damage to person or property by collapse or by the danger of collapse of any part of the structure.
      (4)   Any building, house, shed, fence or other man-made structure or parts thereof which because of its condition or lack of doors or windows is unsecured, open and available to and frequented by malefactors or disorderly persons or juveniles who are not lawful occupants of such structure.
      (5)   Any building, house, shed, fence, other man-made structure or surrounding area to any of the foregoing structures which by reason of continued vacancy and/or lack of reasonable and adequate maintenance causes a deteriorating and blighting influence on nearby properties and causes depreciation in the use, enjoyment, and value of properties in the immediately surrounding area to such extent that it is harmful to the community in which such structure is situated.
         (Ord. 43-96. Passed 9-3-96; Ord. 8-21. Passed 4-5-21.)
   (a)    For the purpose of this section, a "portable storage container" means a container, unit, shed-like structure, or other receptacle that is capable of being moved and is, or can be, used for the temporary storage of personal property or building materials of any kind, and is located outside an enclosed building.
   (b)    All portable storage containers and their use on residential premises shall meet the following requirements:   
      (1)   A portable storage container may not be located at a residential property for more than fifteen (15) consecutive days of any calendar year; and
      (2)    No more than one portable storage container shall be placed on a lot at any given time; and
      (3)    All portable storage containers in use on a lot shall be in good condition free from rust, peeling paint and other visible fonns of deterioration; and
      (4)    No portable storage container shall be placed where it obstructs traffic vision or any public sidewalk or street, nor placed within any required front yard set-back; and a portable storage container shall be placed at least ten (10) feet away from any side-street property line and from any main building; and
      (5)    All portable storage containers in use placed in front of a house cannot be placed in the yard and must go on the driveway; and
      (6)   Portable storage containers may be kept on a property during the term or a valid building permit issued by the Building and Zoning Administrator for construction work on the property, and must be removed within fifteen (15) days of final cessation of construction or any thirty (30) day stop of construction; and
      (7)    No portable storage container shall exceed twenty (20) feet in length, ten (10) feet in width, or ten (10) feet in height; and
      (8)    No portable storage container may be used to house humans or animals of any kind.
         (Ord. 8-21. Passed 4-5-21.)