For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   DECIBEL (dBA).  The sound pressure level in decibels measured on the “A” scale of a standard sound level meter having characteristics defined by the American National Standards Institute, Publication ANSI sl.4-1971.
   DISTRICT.  The land use zone to which the provisions of this chapter are applied. For the purposes of this chapter:
      (1)   COMMERCIAL DISTRICT include all C and L classified zones.
      (2)   RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT includes all R classified zones and the Public Lands classification.
   MOTOR VEHICLE.  Any vehicle which is self-propelled, used primarily for transporting persons or property upon public highways. Aircraft, watercraft, and vehicles used exclusively on stationary rails or track are not motor vehicles as that term is used herein. It includes motorcycles unless distinction is made in the context of use.
   NOISE CONTROL OFFICER.  The Chief of Police and his or her agents who have the responsibility for the enforcement of this subchapter.
   PERSON.  Any individual, firm, association, partnership, limited liability corporation or any other entity, public or private.
   REAL PROPERTY BOUNDARY.  The imaginary line which represents the legal limits of property (including an apartment, condominium, room, or other dwelling unit) owned, leased, or otherwise occupied by a person, business, corporation, or institution. In cases involving sound from an activity on a public street or other public right-of-way, the REAL PROPERTY BOUNDARY shall be the nearest boundary of the public right-of-way.
   RECEIVING LAND.  The real property within which sound originating from outside the property is received.
(Ord. 03-2008, passed 5-6-2008)