(A)   Generally.  Rates to be charged for service furnished by the system shall be as follows.
   (B)   Specifically.
      (1)   Sewer use charges.  Sewer use charges shall be as follows.
         (a)   Premises with water service.
            1.   Service in city.  The base rate for sewer service in the City of the Village of Douglas shall be as follows:
Meter Size
Meter Equivalency
Quarterly Meter Charge
Meter Size
Meter Equivalency
Quarterly Meter Charge
5/8 inches by 3/4 inches
1 inch
1–1/4 inch
1–1/2 inch
2 inches
3 inches
4 inches
6 inches
The sewer commodity rate shall be $2.00 per 1,000 gallons.
(Am. Ord. 61-E, passed 6-20-2005)
            2.   Service outside city.  The base rate for sewer service outside of the city shall be as follows:
Meter Size (Inches)
3/4 Equivalency
Base Rate per Quarter
The sewer commodity rate shall be $2.90 per 1,000 gallons outside the city.
         (b)   Premises without water service.  Sewer use charges to each single-family residential premises shall be in the flat amount of $24 per quarter.  Each premises other than a single-family residence shall pay a quarterly charge of $24, multiplied by a factor representing a ratio of sewage use by the class of premises to normal single-family residential sewage use, as reflected in Appendix A which is on file in the city office; provided, however, that the minimum quarterly charge to any premises shall be $24.
      (2)   Connection charge.  Connection charges shall be as follows.
         (a)   Direct connection.  For each direct connection to lines of the system, there shall be charged a fee of $500 per single-family residence equivalent.
         (b)   Indirect connection.  In order to defray the proportional share of treatment works and the necessary oversizing of trunks and pumping stations, for each indirect connection to the system there shall be charged a fee of $250 per single-family residence equivalent.  An indirect connection shall be defined as one made to lines added to the system after its original construction, the cost of which is paid from special assessments or private funds.
         (c)   Equivalent user factor.  Each premises other than a single-family residence shall pay either a direct or indirect connection charge, multiplied by a factor representing a ratio of sewage use by the class of premises to normal single-family residential use, as reflected in Appendix A which is on file in the city office.
         (d)   Payment of connection charge.  Connection charges as set forth in this division (B)(2) shall be due and payable in cash upon application for connection to the system.
      (3)   Industrial cost recovery charge.  The City Council shall establish a system of industrial cost recovery charges applicable to any user of the system consistent with the terms and conditions of the federal grant financing part of the cost of the system, which charges shall be collected, held, and used in the manner required by the federal grant.
      (4)   Special rates.  For miscellaneous or special services for which a special rate shall be established, the rates shall be fixed by the City Council.
      (5)   Billing.  Bills will be rendered quarterly on July 1, October 1, January 1, and April 1, payable without penalty within 30 days after the date thereon.  Payments received after the period shall bear a penalty of 5% of the amount of the bill.
      (6)   Enforcement.  The charges for services which are under the provisions of Public Act 94 of 1933, § 21, being M.C.L.A. § 141.121, as amended, made a lien on all premises served thereby, unless notice is given that a tenant is responsible, are hereby recognized to constitute the lien, and whenever any such charge against any piece of property shall be delinquent for six months, the city official in charge of the collection thereof shall certify annually, on April 1 of each year, to the tax assessing officer of the city the facts of the delinquency, whereupon the charge shall be by him or her entered upon the next tax roll as a charge against the premises and shall be collected and the lien thereof enforced, in the same manner as general city taxes against the premises are collected and the lien thereof enforced; provided, however, that where notice is given that a tenant is responsible for the charges and service as provided by Public Act 94 of 1933, § 21, being M.C.L.A. § 141.121,  no further service shall be rendered the premises until a cash deposit in the amount of $50 shall have been made as security for payment of the charges and service.  In addition to the provisions of this division (B)(6), the city shall have the right to shut off sewer service to any premises for which charges for sewer service are more than three months delinquent, and the service shall not be reestablished until all delinquent charges and penalties and a turn-on charge, to be specified by the City Council, have been paid.  Further, the charges and penalties may be recovered by the city by court action.
(1995 Code, § 58-214)  (Ord. 57, passed 8-18-1977; Am. Ord. 61-C, passed 2-18-1995)