(A)   The City Clerk, City Manager or his/her designee or an officer of the Police Department may immediately and without notice revoke a street performer permit if the underlying violation poses an immediate danger to the public health, safety, and welfare.
   (B)   (1)   Except as provided in division (A) of this section, the City Clerk may revoke a street performer permit if, upon receipt of written information or investigation, the City Clerk has reason to believe a performer:
         (a)   Has provided a false statement in the application; or
         (b)   Has violated a provision of this subchapter or the code in a manner that is materially adverse to the protection of the public health, safety or welfare of the city.
      (2)   Upon such determination, the City Clerk shall send written notice to the street performer at the address set forth in the application. The street performer shall have the right to a hearing before the City Clerk. Such hearing, shall be set within 15 days of the written notice to the performer. If after a hearing, the City Clerk finds that the violation is supported by a preponderance of evidence, the permit shall be revoked. The permit shall be null and void upon sending notice to the street performer. The street performer shall shave the right to appeal as provided in § 93.078.
   (C)   If a written complaint is filed alleging that a performer has violated any provisions of this subchapter, the City Clerk shall promptly send a copy of the written complaint to the performer, together with a notice that an investigation will be made as to the truth of the complaint. The performer shall have the right to respond to evidence produced by the investigation. Such hearing shall be held within 15 days of the complaint being sent to the street performer. If after a hearing, the City Clerk finds that the complaint is supported by a preponderance of evidence, the permit shall be revoked. The permit shall be null and void upon sending notice to the street performer. The street performer shall have the right to appeal as provided in § 93.078.
(Ord. 05-2015, passed 6-15-2015)