(A)   No persons shall throw, cast, or place in or upon any city right of way, street, avenue, highway, sidewalk, or city owned parking lot any unsolicited print or other written material, including, but not limited to, newspapers, handbills, circulars, brochures, telephone books, advertising materials, and cards.
   (B)   No persons shall deliver any unsolicited print or other written materials, including, but not limited to, newspapers, handbills, circulars, brochures, telephone books, advertising materials, and cards to any premises in the city except by being handed to the recipient, placed on the porch, stoop, entranceway or front steps of the building or residence, in a manner so as to prevent, to the extent practicable, any such articles from being blown about in any way causing litter. No such materials may be distributed within the city by means of tossing or otherwise propelling such materials from a motor vehicle, whether moving or stopped. (Ord. 2624, 2-5-2007)