7-1-9: FEES:
   (A)   Permit Required:
      1.   It shall be unlawful to construct, add to, alter, remove, demolish, remodel, do cement work or commence the construction, addition, alteration, removal or demolition of any building or structure or install equipment for the operation of a building or structure, without first filing with the building official an application in writing and obtaining a building permit therefor.
Application for a building permit shall be made by the owner or lessee of the building or structure, or agent of either, or by the licensed engineer or architect employed in connection with the proposed work. If the application is made by a person other than the owner in fee, it shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the owner or the qualified applicant or a signed statement of the qualified applicant witnessed by the code official or his designee to the effect that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that the applicant is authorized to make such application. The names and addresses of the owner, lessee, applicant, and the responsible officers, if the owner or lessee is a corporate body, shall be stated in the application. (Ord. 2004, 8-4-1997)
      2.   Application for such permit shall be made to the building department and shall be accompanied by plans and specifications in duplicate showing the work to be done; such plans shall be verified by the signature of the owner of the premises and by the signature and seal of the architect or engineer in charge of the operations. The application fee for a building permit shall be five dollars ($5.00).
      3.   Such application with plans shall be referred to the building official, who shall examine the same to determine whether the proposed construction or alteration will comply with the ordinance provisions relative thereto. Upon approval, one set of plans shall be returned to the applicant with the permit and the other shall be retained by the building official. No permit shall be issued until after approval of the plans and payment of all fees.
      4.   It shall be unlawful to vary from the submitted plans and specifications unless such variations are submitted in an amended plan to the building official and approved by the building official and an additional permit fee, if any, due to an increase in square footage, has been paid. (Ord. 1740, 6-21-1993)
      5.   When determined by the building official that a plan review is necessary, the building official shall examine or cause to be examined applications and related documentation within a reasonable time frame after filing. The plan review fee shall be in accordance with the rates charged by the International Code Council or other qualified code consultant. (Ord. 2694, 5-19-2008)
      6.   The building official shall make or cause to make such inspections as are necessary to see to the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, and to require any tests or examinations of materials or methods to be used for purpose of seeing that they comply with the provisions of this chapter.
      7.   The building permit shall be posted on the premises so that it can be seen from the street during the time of construction and shall remain posted until completion of the project. (Ord. 1740, 6-21-1993)
      8.   The estimated cost of construction shall, at minimum, be based on the estimated unit cost per square foot for the type of construction and the use contemplated. The latest edition of means cost data, International Code Council valuation data report, dodge construction digest or similar reference data may be used to determine estimated unit cost by the building official. (Ord. 2694, 5-19-2008)
   (B)   Building Permit Fee: The fees for building permits shall be as follows:
      1.   New Construction Fees: Permit costs for new construction shall include tenant finish project additions and remodeling from tear out to finish, relate to square foot construction costs based on "unit rates" per square foot. These unit rates are applied to gross square footage of a building and include all structural electrical, plumbing, mechanical, interior finish, normal site preparation including excavation and backfill, overhead and profit. This cost is then applied to the permit fee multipliers listed below and used by the city in determining the final permit fee.
"Unit rate" costs per square foot are established from time to time by the International Code Council building valuation data report. The latest square foot construction cost tables with regional cost multipliers from said magazine will be used by the city in determining permit costs.
The following multipliers will be used:
Commercial/industrial/apartments (4 or more):
All buildings less than 5,000 square feet x 0.0035
All buildings over 5,000 square feet but less than 10,000 square feet x 0.0025
All buildings over 10,000 square feet x 0.0015
All other new construction, which shall include additions, porches, second stories, and other similar work and remodeling from tear out to finish:
Tenant finish factors x multiplier
Structure 0.40, walls 0.10, electrical 0.15, plumbing 0.15, mechanical 0.15, sprinklers 0.05
R-3 and R-4 structures x 0.0060
All other construction, which shall include additions, porches, second stories, and other similar work and remodeling from tear out to finish:
Tenant finish factors x multiplier
Structure 0.40, walls 0.10, electrical 0.15, plumbing 0.15, mechanical 0.15, sprinklers 0.05
The following permit costs are in addition to the new construction fees listed above:
Residential one- and two-family:
Satellite dish antenna
Fences, drives
Curb cuts/per linear foot
Swimming pools:
Hot tubs, spas, jacuzzis
(0.05 x square feet)
Detached garage, single car:
Up to 200 square feet
For each additional 100 square feet or any fractional part thereof
Satellite dish antenna
Fences, drives
Curb cuts/per linear foot
Swimming pools:
Hot tubs, spas, jacuzzis
(0.05 x square feet)
Detached garage, single car:
Up to 200 square feet
For each additional 100 square feet add
Rate per hour
Site work:
Parking lots, retention ponds, sewer/water extensions
Based on fee schedule
Plan review:
Residential one- and two-family
Minimum fee $25.00 per unit up to 3 units
Minimum fee $50.00 refer to subsection (A)5 of this section
Sewer and water:
Inspection for hookup
(Ord. 1740, 6-21-1993; amd. Ord. 2312, 3-19-2001; Ord. 2375, 3-18-2002; Ord. 2694, 5-19-2008)
      2.   Alterations, Changes, Modifications And Repairs Performed On Existing Buildings:
Residential one- and two-family:
Satellite dish antenna
Fences, drives
Curb cuts/per linear foot
Swimming pools:
Hot tubs, spas, jacuzzis
Electrical service/per unit
Miscellaneous wiring
Based on fee schedule
(0.05 x square feet)
Satellite dish antenna
Fences, drives
Curb cuts/per linear foot
Swimming pools:
Hot tubs, spas, jacuzzis
Electrical service/per unit
Miscellaneous wiring
Based on fee schedule
(0.05 x square feet)
Demolition or moving a structure:
Up to 200 square feet (small shed)
$ 5.00
201 to 500 square feet (garage)
Over 500 square feet (house) plus $2.00 per 100 square feet or fractional part thereof
Sewer and water:
Inspection for hookup
Commercial/industrial/apartments 1
To change pitch of roof1
Residential structures up to 1,000 square feet
Residential structures over 1,000 square feet
Soffit and/or fascia
Air conditioning/incinerators
See fee schedule
See fee schedule
Site work:
Parking lots, retention ponds, sewer/water extensions
Based on fee schedule
Plan review:
Residential one- and two-family
Minimum fee $25.00 per unit up to 3 units
Minimum fee $50.00 refer to subsection (A)5 of this section
Rate per hour
   1.   May require plan review.
      3.   Other Improvements: All improvements to real estate not otherwise covered under this fee schedule shall pay a fee based on the estimated cost value of construction:
Under $30.00
No charge
$30.00 to $150.00
$151.00 to $300.00
$301.00 to $500.00
$501.00 to $800.00
$801.00 to $1,000.00
The balance of fees are as follows:
If more than $1,000.00 but not more than $10,000.00
$5.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fractional part thereof
If more than $10,000.00 but not more than $50,000.00
$4.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fractional part thereof
If more than $50,000.00 but not more than $100,000.00
$3.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fractional part thereof
If more than $100,000.00 but not more than $500,000.00
$2.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fractional part thereof
If more than $500,000.00
$1.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fractional part thereof
The term "estimated cost" as used in this section, means the reasonable value of all services, labor, materials, cost of excavation or grading, and use of scaffolding and other appliances or devices entering into and necessary to the prosecution and completion of the work. (Ord. 1740, 6-21-1993)
      4.   Violation For Not Obtaining Building Permit: Any owner who applies for a building permit after having received a notification from the building department of a violation of subsection (A)1 of this section, shall pay one and one-half (11/2) times the amount the owner would have paid had the building permit been obtained prior to the commencement of work. (Ord. 2004, 8-4-1997)
   (C)   Cancellation, Abandonment And Discontinuance: Permit will become null and void if construction work is not started within six (6) months of date the permit is issued. If the work for which the permit was issued is abandoned or discontinued, the percentage of work completed may be determined by the building official in his sole discretion and the portion of the fee representing the uncompleted work may be refunded to permit holder; provided, however, no refund of a prescribed minimum fee shall be made. If such discontinuance is due to revocation of permit, similar adjustment and return may be made. No refund shall be made until all penalties incurred or imposed by due authority have been collected. After such refund no work shall be resumed or commenced until a new application has been made and a new permit issued.
   (D)   Bond And Registration:
      1.   No person shall be a contractor, engage in such business or work, or be held out for hire for such a business or work, without first having obtained a certificate of registration from the city. (Ord. 1740, 6-21-1993)
      2.   Application for certificate of registration shall be made to the building official and shall state the name and address of the applicant, be accompanied by a bond running to the city in the penal sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) and conditioned that such person will perform all of his or its work in full and in complete compliance with this chapter, and being further conditioned that the applicant shall hold and save harmless the city, its officials, agents and employees from all damages and costs which may be incurred in defending any claims or actions which may be instituted or filed against the city, its officials, agents or employees because of the operation or employment as a contractor or a person held out for hire in the city under the provisions of this chapter; and further conditioned that if any work done by such person shall not be in full and complete compliance with this chapter that such person shall, upon notice from the building official, redo and complete such work in accordance with this chapter. (Ord. 2111, 9-8-1998)
      3.   Such application for registration shall also be accompanied by a certificate of an insurance company authorized to do business in this state certifying that such applicant has in full force a public liability and property damage insurance policy with limits of not less than one hundred thousand dollars/three hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00/$300,000.00) public liability and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) property damage, or a three hundred thousand dollar ($300,000.00) combined single limit policy. Said certificate shall be maintained in current status at all times, in the event the certificate of insurance should lapse the applicant shall receive no more permits for construction work until said certificate is fully restored. In the event said certificate does lapse, applicant will forfeit the previously deposited fifty dollar ($50.00) fee and will be required to submit a new registration application, a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00), a current certificate of insurance and a bonded insurance in conformity with the requirements of this chapter.
      4.   Each applicant shall have the option to furnish a certificate of insurance and a bond in the amount of forty five thousand dollars ($45,000.00) running to the cities of Dixon, Rock Falls, and Sterling in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) each. In the event applicant elects this option, such registration and certificate shall be accepted in Sterling and in Rock Falls. The city shall honor all registrations from Sterling and Rock Falls who provide to the satisfaction of the building official a penal bond in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) running to the city of Dixon and a registration from either the city of Rock Falls or Sterling. (Ord. 1740, 6-21-1993)
   (E)   Penalty Violations: Any person who violates any provision of this section or provisions of the building code adopted by the city or fails to obtain a building permit as provided in this chapter before commencing work on any property or who shall violate any section of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) for each such violation. (Ord. 2004, 8-4-1997)