A.   Utility Easements:
      1.   Along Lot Lines: Utility easements shall be provided along front, rear or side lot lines for the purpose of erecting and maintaining one or more of the following facilities: storm sewers, sanitary sewers, surface drainage, gas mains, overhead and/or underground electric lines, telephone lines, cable TV and such other utilities reasonably required for an urban structure.
      2.   Minimum Width: Easements shall be a minimum of ten feet (10') in width. A utility may be located in the street right of way if the respective company so desires and appropriate permits have been obtained.
      3.   Alternate Locations: Alternate locations for various utilities shall be decided upon by the appropriate utility companies, subject to the approval of the village engineer. In no case shall streets, permanent buildings or other manmade improvements that obstruct surface drainage be placed on rear or side lot easements.
      4.   Installation; Notice To Utilities: It is the responsibility of the subdivider to notify all utility companies in writing when the land to be developed has been graded in accordance with construction plans and is ready for installation of a given utility.
   B.   Location Of Utilities:
      1.   Utilities, (sewers, electric, water and gas), whenever possible, shall be located in the public right of way or front lot easement in the following manner: water and electric lines shall be located on the south and east sides; sanitary sewer and gas lines shall be located on the north and west sides. In some cases, however, electric lines may also be located on the north and west sides. Storm sewers shall be located under the pavement near, but not in, the center.
      2.   The placement of storm sewers or electric lines in the rear of a lot is not acceptable unless circumstances determined by the village engineer require their placement in the rear, in which case the following easement diagrams indicate placement:
         a.   Ten Foot Easements: When an easement will not include sanitary sewer or surface drainage systems, a ten foot (10') easement width shall be sufficient and the utilities shall be located as follows:
         b.   Fifteen Foot Easements: When an easement will include either a sanitary sewer system or a surface drainage system, but not both systems, a fifteen foot (15') easement shall be required and the utilities shall be located as follows:
         c.   Twenty Foot Easements: When a utility easement will include both a sanitary sewer system and a surface drainage system, a twenty foot (20') easement shall be required and the utilities shall be located as follows:
         d.   Ten Foot Access Easement: When sanitary or storm sewers are located in the rear of a lot, a ten foot (10') easement in the side yard, shall be required from the street right of way to each manhole or inlet. (1997 Code)