The following rules shall be followed during any meeting of the board unless suspended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the members of said board that are present at the meeting or unless the following rules be repealed, annulled, amended or modified, which must be done by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the elected members of the board:
   A.   The village board shall be governed by the usual parliamentary rules governing deliberative bodies so far as applicable.
   B.   Every member, previous to his speaking, shall not proceed until recognized and named by the president.
   C.   No member shall speak more than once until every member choosing to speak shall have spoken, and no member will speak more than twice on the same subject without leave of the board.
   D.   While any member is speaking, no member shall entertain or engage in any discourse or pass between the speaker and the president.
   E.   While any question is being put or voted upon, no member shall walk across or out of the room.
   F.   No motion shall be entertained unless seconded, and if any member requires it, said motion shall be reduced to writing.
   G.   In all cases, the name of the member offering the resolution or motion and the member seconding it shall be entered with it in the minutes.
   H.   All petitions, resolutions or reports shall be referred to an appropriate committee and a report made thereon to the board by said committee before any vote of the board is had upon the subject of said petitions, resolutions or reports.
   I.   Every proposal involving the expenditure of money shall be referred to an appropriate standing committee and a report made thereon to the board by said committee before any vote of the board is had upon the expenditure.
   J.   Upon the passage of every ordinance or upon any proposal to create any liability against the village or for the expenditure or appropriation of its money or on any question before the board, if any two (2) members require it, the "yeas" and "nays" shall be taken and entered upon the minutes.
   K.   No ordinance shall be passed or repealed, or contract entered into, or appropriation of money made unless assented to in the affirmative by a vote of the majority of the board members elected.
   L.   All votes taken in the board shall be cast orally, "yea" signifying the affirmative, "nay" the opposite.
   M.   When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received unless it be for the purpose to postpone the previous question or to table said question, or to amend said question or to adjourn the board until the next meeting or until a certain day.
   N.   A motion to adjourn shall always be in order and shall be decided without debate. (1997 Code)