For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
ANIMAL: Includes all animals, reptiles, birds or fish unless the section limits the application to a particular species of animal.
ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER: An employee of the board of trustees whose duty it is to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
AT LARGE: Any animal not under "restraint" as defined herein.
CAT: All animals, regardless of sex, of the feline species.
CHAPTER: The term chapter is often used in this document, and it shall be construed to mean this ordinance.
DANGEROUS OR VICIOUS ANIMAL: Any animal: a) which shall at any time have bitten any human being; or b) whom the owner or keeper should reasonably know to have dangerous propensities and to pose a threat to the public; or c) which has been or is trained to attack persons or animals on command.
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE: The department of agriculture of the state of Illinois.
DOG: All animals, regardless of sex, of the canine species.
INOCULATION AGAINST RABIES: The injection, subcutaneously or otherwise, as approved by the department of agriculture of canine antirabic vaccine approved by said department.
LIVESTOCK: Domestic or farm animals, such as cows, cattle, horses, ponies, camels, sheep, chimpanzees, monkeys, swine, pigs, boar, potbelly pigs, goats, donkeys, elk, mules, asses, llamas, alpacas, buffalo, oxen, bears, alligators, fowl, peacocks, geese, ducks, turkeys, rodents (except hamsters, guinea pigs, mice, and other rodents commonly kept as pets) or chickens, roosters and hens, or any other animal so designated by the village board from time to time as they so deem.
OWNER OR KEEPER: A person having a right of property in an animal, who keeps or harbors such animal, who cares for or who acts as its custodian, or who knowingly permits an animal to remain on or about any premises occupied by such person.
POUND: The Sangamon County pound or other facility approved by the board of trustees for the impoundment of animals.
PUBLIC ENTRANCE: The entranceway of a residence or other building closest to the public street or sidewalk or one which would be reasonably perceived by the public to be the entrance to the dwelling available for public use.
RESTRAINT: An animal is under restraint if:
   A.   Attached to a leash held by a responsible person; or
   B.   Under the effective voice control of a responsible person; or
   C.   Attached to a structure or fixture in such a manner that it is unable to reach beyond the limits of the owner's or keeper's property and is unable to reach or molest servicepersons or casual visitors to the owner's or keeper's property using the public entrance or persons placing mail in the mailbox or delivering newspapers at the request of the owners; or
   D.   Enclosed in a fenced yard from which it is unable to escape without assistance from a person.
WORKING DAY: Any day when the office or public entity referred to was open for the transaction of business. (Ord., 5-22-1985; amd. Ord. 2014-004, 5-14-2014, eff. 6-1-2014)