   (a)   Gas station with convenience store. Signs are permitted on canopy poles subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   No more than four (4) single-sided signs are allowed.
      (2)   All signs must be placed within enclosures created for this purpose.
      (3)   Individual signs may not exceed twelve (12) square feet in surface area.
      (4)   The surface area (square footage) of canopy pole signs will be considered coverage for purposes of calculating the total coverage allowance for the building wall facing the road which the canopy pole signs face.
      (5)   All other district sign regulations remain in effect.
   (b)   Town Center District, except Residential Overlay. A-frame signs are permitted subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   Only one sign per business is allowed.
      (2)   Signs shall be placed on the ground or sidewalk in front of the business only during the hours the business is open and shall be removed when the business is not open to the public.
      (3)   No sign shall exceed a height of four feet above the ground or ten square feet per sign face. Signs placed on the sidewalk at street level shall not exceed 24 inches in width.
      (4)   Signs must be durable, sturdy and stable. The frame shall be wood and the sign face shall be black chalkboard. Signs must be double-sided.
      (5)   Signs shall be positioned to allow adequate sidewalk clearance for pedestrians and wheelchairs and may not be placed in a way that interferes with the opening of doors of parked vehicles. Signs may only be placed on the sidewalk at the street level where the walkway is at least seven feet wide. Signs may be placed in the greenspace between the building and the sidewalk or upon a raised sidewalk or step if one exists.
      (6)   Signs may not be illuminated by any means and may not have any moving parts.
(Ord. 2011-2. Passed 4-11-11; Ord. 2017-1. Passed 2-13-17.)
   (a)   Refer to Schedule A for A-1, R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, R-1D and R-M1.
   (b)   Refer to Schedule B for B-1.
   (c)   Refer to Schedule C for TC and TC Overlay.
   (d)   Refer to Schedule D for Temporary Signs.
   (e)   Refer to Schedule E for Sign Uses by District.
(Ord. 2003-7. Passed 1-12-04; Ord. 2011-2. Passed 4-11-11; Ord. 2017-1. Passed 2-13-17.)
   (a)   The Zoning Administrator shall issue a building transmittal prior to the erection, construction or alteration, not to include maintenance as defined herein, of any permanent sign with the exception of those signs described in Section 846.04 and in Schedule D.
   (b)   The construction of any sign shall be subject to the requirements of the Eaton County Building Code. Sign building permits, if necessary, shall be issued on the basis of plans and applications approved by the Eaton County Building Department and shall authorize only the design and construction set forth in such approved plans and applications and no other design. A building transmittal issued by the Zoning Administrator is required for the issuance of a building permit by Eaton County.
(Ord. 2003-7. Passed 1-12-04; Ord. 2011-2. Passed 4-11-11.)
   It is the intent of this section to permit the continuance of a lawful use of any sign existing at the effective date of adoption of this chapter, although such structure may not conform with the provisions of this Chapter. It is the intent that any existing signs which do not meet the requirements of this Chapter shall not be enlarged upon, expanded or extended, and further, that such signs shall be gradually eliminated and terminated upon their natural deterioration or accidental destruction, subject to the conditions as set forth herein. Any sign existing on the effective date of this Chapter which does not meet the requirements of this Chapter:
   (a)   Shall not have any face, support or other part structurally changed, altered, substituted or enlarged unless the sign is brought into conformance with the requirements of this Chapter, except that nothing shall prohibit the regular maintenance of any sign as defined herein.
   (b)   Shall not have changes made in the words or symbols used or the message displayed unless the sign is designed for periodic change of message.
   (c)   Shall not be reestablished after the activity, business or use to which it relates has been discontinued for a period of ninety days or longer. Such discontinuance shall be considered conclusive evidence of an intention to legally abandon the sign related thereto.
   (d)   Shall not be reestablished after damage or destruction if the estimated cost of reconstruction exceeds fifty percent of the replacement cost.
   (e)   Shall not be placed, maintained or displayed by anyone other than the person who owned the premises on the date of adoption of this Chapter.
(Ord. 2003-7. Passed 1-12-04; Ord. 2011-2. Passed 4-11-11.)
846.09 APPEALS.
   (a)   The Village of Dimondale Board of Appeals shall constitute a board of appeals for purposes of this Chapter. The Board of Appeals may authorize a variance from the requirements of this Chapter upon request provided the following standards are fully met:
      (1)   There is a practical difficulty in carrying out the strict letter of this chapter.
      (2)   The practical difficulty is due to unique circumstances related to the particular property and not general to other property in the district.
      (3)   The problem was not created by the applicant.
      (4)   Granting the variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood or district.
   (b)   Every variance granted shall be in the minimum amount necessary to overcome the inequity inherent in the particular property.
(Ord. 2003-7. Passed 1-12-04; Ord. 2011-2. Passed 4-11-11.)
846.99 PENALTY.
   For all signs hereafter erected without the issuance of a required building transmittal or for any sign that otherwise violates the conditions of this chapter, the Code Enforcement Officer shall inform, by certified mail, the property owner upon whose property the sign is situated of the alleged violation of the Village ordinance. If compliance is not accomplished in the prescribed time period, the Village Officer shall initiate the appropriate enforcement action as set forth in Section 202.99.
(Ord. 2003-7. Passed 1-12-04; Ord. 2011-2. Passed 4-11-11.)
Residential Districts (R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, R-1D, R-M1)
Sign Type
Maximum Display Area
Maximum Height
Minimum Setback from Road ROW
Maximum Number of Signs
Residential Districts (R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, R-1D, R-M1)
Sign Type
Maximum Display Area
Maximum Height
Minimum Setback from Road ROW
Maximum Number of Signs
A.   Education
Free standing
32 square feet
9 feet
2 feet
1 per street entrance
   Human Care
   Recreation (public)
   Public Building
   Other Institutional Use
   Agricultural Operation
   Housing Development
   Apartment Complex
10% of wall area
Not above wall line
Not applicable
B.   Home Occupation
4 square feet
Not above front wall
Not Applicable
1 per home
In all residential districts, the requirements of Schedule A shall govern sign use, area, type, height and number, in addition to requirements elsewhere in this chapter. Illuminated signs are prohibited in any Residential District.
(Ord. 2010-6. Passed 1-10-11.)
Business Districts (B-1)
Sign Type
Maximum Display Area
Total Maximum Coverage
Maximum Height
Minimum Setback from Road ROW
Maximum Number of Signs
Business Districts (B-1)
Sign Type
Maximum Display Area
Total Maximum Coverage
Maximum Height
Minimum Setback from Road ROW
Maximum Number of Signs
A.    Individual commercial establishment
Free standing
Less than 100 feet of frontage = 25 square feet; 100 to 300 feet of frontage = 50 square feet; greater than 300 feet of frontage = 70 square feet
Not applicable
9 feet
2 feet
One per lot
10% of wall area
All signs including temporary, not to exceed 15% of wall area
Not above wall line
Not applicable
One per building
15% of wall area
Not above wall line
Not applicable
2 wall signs per wall face
B.    Commercial establishment located within a shopping center or office complex
Free standing
Same formula as above
Not applicable
9 feet
2 feet
One per center or complex
10% of wall area
All signs including temporary, not to exceed 15% of wall area
Not above wall line
Not applicable
Not to exceed maximum display area
15% of wall area
Not above wall line
Not applicable
2 wall signs per wall face
In all commercial districts, the requirements of Schedule B shall govern sign use, area, type, height and number, in addition to requirements elsewhere in this chapter. Illuminated signs are allowed in any Commercial District provided all bare light sources and immediately adjacent reflecting surfaces are shielded from view. For the purposes of this district, frontage must be upon a major street as identified within the Village's street inventory. Corner locations may have one free standing sign on each major street when a minimum separation distance of one hundred feet can be maintained.
Town Center Districts (TC)
Sign Type
Maximum Display Area
Total Maximum Coverage
Maximum Height
Minimum Setback from Road ROW
Maximum Number of Signs
Town Center Districts (TC)
Sign Type
Maximum Display Area
Total Maximum Coverage
Maximum Height
Minimum Setback from Road ROW
Maximum Number of Signs
Town Center 
A.   Business
10 square feet each side
Not applicable
4 feet
Not applicable
One per building
Free Standing
Less than 100 feet of frontage = 20 square feet; 100 feet or more of frontage = 30 square feet
Not applicable
9 feet
2 feet
One per building
10% of wall area
All signs including temporary, not to exceed 15% of wall area
Not above wall line
Not applicable
36 square feet
6 foot projection
Not above wall line; (ten feet above ground level to closest point, min.)
Not applicable for sign attached to building; 2 feet for pole sign
15% of wall area
Not above wall line
Not applicable
2 wall signs per wall face
Residential Overlay
A.    Business
Free Standing or Wall
6 square feet
6 square feet
4 feet
2 feet
One per lot or building
Town Center & Residential Overlay
B.    Home Occupation
4 square feet
4 square feet
Not above wall line
Not applicable
One per home
In all Town Center Districts, the requirements of Schedule C shall govern sign use, area, type, height and number, in addition to requirements elsewhere in this chapter. Illuminated signs are allowed in any Town Center District provided all bare; light sources and immediately adjacent reflecting surfaces are shielded from view. The architectural style of new signs in this district shall be in keeping with the architectural character of the neighborhood and shall be reviewed and approved as part of the building transmittal process.
Temporary Signs (All Districts)
Sign Purpose/District
Maximum Display Area
Maximum Duration
Temporary Signs (All Districts)
Sign Purpose/District
Maximum Display Area
Maximum Duration
A.    On-premise real estate (All districts)
6 square feet/sign (single family); 10 square feet/sign (housing development or commercial); two sign structures maximum per lot.
Removed 1 day after purpose of sign fulfilled.
B.    Off-premise real estate (All districts)
6 square feet
No open house signs until one day prior to event; 2 days maximum.
C.    Construction (All districts)
6 square feet (single family); 32 square feet (housing development or commercial)
Occupancy or completion of work.
D.    Political (All districts)
32 square feet
60 days, each election, removed within 5 days following election.
E.    On-premise commercial advertising (B-1 and TC)
Window signs are subject to total coverage limitations per schedules B and C.
1 day after purpose of sign fulfilled.
F.    Grand opening (All districts)
32 square feet
30 days
G.    Special event or promotion (All districts)
32 square feet
3 times per year subject to aproval of Zoning Administrator; 15 days maximum each event
H. On-premise activity advertising (TC)
10 square feet; see 846.05(b)(3); one sign per lot
Day of activity
Signs intended for use over a limited period of time may be allowed and do not require a building transmittal. Temporary signs shall comply with the requirements of this chapter and Schedule D and are subject to total maximum coverage limitations. Temporary signs not listed in Schedule D are prohibited with the exception of those signs listed in Section 846.04.
Commercial B-1
Residential R - 1A, B, C & D, M1 Agricultural A - 1
Town Center TC
TC Overlay
Commercial B-1
Residential R - 1A, B, C & D, M1 Agricultural A - 1
Town Center TC
TC Overlay
A-Frame Sign
Banner Sign
Changeable Copy Sign (Automatic)
Changeable Copy Sign (Manual)
Construction Sign
Directional/Information Sign
Garage Sale Sign
Government Sign
Identification Sign
Illuminated Sign
Marquee Sign/Awning
Political Sign
Projecting Sign
Real Estate Sign
Subdivision Identification Sign
Wall Sign
Window Sign
T= Temporary Only
In all districts, the types of signs allowed shall be limited to those described in Schedule E.