(A)   Variances that will result in improved energy efficiency may be granted by the Commission provided that the following requirements are met.
   (B)   Energy efficiency variances may be granted to allow solar greenhouses or sunspaces, solar energy systems including roof panels or geothermal, micro-hydro, wind or other energy efficient systems or structures.
   (C)   In addition to the information required in § 154.151, an application for an energy efficiency variance shall include detailed information showing that the criteria in division (D) below are met.
   (D)   Regardless of other provisions of this subchapter, the Commission shall, before granting an energy efficiency variance for solar purposes, find adequate evidence showing that the following criteria are met:
      (1)   Granting of the variance will not conflict with the public interest as expressed in the Comprehensive Plan;
      (2)   Granting of the variance will not result in extraordinary public expense or harm to the public health, safety, or welfare, the creation of nuisances, defraudation of or victimization of the public, or conflict with existing local laws or ordinances;
       (3)   The variance will not effect a change in zoning;
      (4)   The variance will not be injurious to the property or improvements of others;
      (5)   Effective solar glazing area shall not be less than 8% of the heated space floor area for sun-tempered dwellings and 10% of the heated space floor area for passive solar/thermal mass dwellings;
      (6)   Maximum solar glazing areas shall not exceed 15% of heated space floor area for sun-tempered dwellings and 18% of heated space floor area for passive solar/thermal mass dwellings;
      (7)   Thermal mass requirements shall meet or exceed the following:
         (a)   Sun-tempered: 3 BTU/degree Fahrenheit/square foot of heated floor space; or
         (b)   Passive/solar thermal mass: 10 BTU/degree Fahrenheit/square foot of heated floor space.
      (8)   Solar glazing areas shall be oriented within 30 degrees of true south; and
      (9)   Solar glazing areas, if mounted other than vertically, shall be tilted at least 60 degrees up from horizontal.
(Ord. 56, passed 11-1-1999)