A. There is hereby levied upon each retail dealer of non-intoxicating beverages for consumption on and off the premises, an annual municipal license fee of twenty dollars ($20.00); an annual municipal license fee of ten dollars ($10.00) is hereby levied for sale of non-intoxicating beverages or consumption either on or off the premises only.
B. It shall be unlawful for any retail dealer, whether permanent or temporary, to sell, distribute or dispense any non-intoxicating beverages without having first received a municipal license, as herein required.
C. No municipal license shall be issued to any retail dealer by the town clerk, until the applicant has obtained all required state and county permits, and has, in all other respects, complied with the Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Control Act. All such licenses shall expire on June 30 of the year following re-issuance. License fees shall be paid to the town clerk and no license shall be transferable.
D. The town board of trustees shall have the power, after public hearing, to revoke any license granted hereunder, for violation of law or ordinance by the license holder.
(Ord. 96, 10-26-2020)