§ 136.01 GENERALLY.
   (A)   No person shall dig, fill up, or injure any drain, ditch, or hole, or injure any bridge or culvert in any of the streets, alleys, avenues, or public places in the village, or dig or remove from the same any sod, earth, sand, or gravel, without first having obtained special permission from the Village Commission, for that purpose; and no person shall stop or obstruct passage of the water of any public street, gutter, sewer, culvert, water pipe, or hydrant, nor shall any person scatter, strew, deposit, or litter, or direct, permit, or suffer to be scattered, strewn, deposited, or littered in any public street, alley, avenue, or public place, any ashes, rubbish, tin cans, bottles, or other foreign material.
   (B)   No person shall blast any rock, stone, or other substance, within the village, without first having obtained special permission for that purpose from the Village Commission.
   (C)   No person shall remove, or cause to be removed, or aid or assist in removing any building into, or along or across any street, alley, public ground in the village, without first having obtained special permission for that purpose from the Village Commission, and conforming to the conditions and restrictions they may prescribe.
   (D)   No person shall uncover, excavate under, around, or near to any ditch, drain, or culvert without special permission for that purpose from the Village Commission; nor shall any person make any connection with or any opening into any drain, ditch, sluice, culvert, or slough, nor shall any person construct or make any ditch, drain, or sluice, except by special permission for that purpose from the Village Commission; nor shall any person destroy or injure the bank of any ditch or open drain, or place any dirt or other substance therein to obstruct the same, or obstruct the free passage of water through the same, or tap any ditch or open drain, or connect any private drain sewer or ditch therewith without special permission for that purpose from the Village Commission.
   (E)   No person shall encumber or obstruct, or cause to be encumbered or obstructed, any street, alley, avenue, way, or other public place within the village, by placing therein or thereon, any buildings, materials, timber, lumber, or any article or things whatever, without first having obtained special permission for that purpose from the Village Commission.
   (F)   This section shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication according to law.
(Ord. 13, passed 10-2-1950) Penalty, see § 130.99