(A) Unified control. The site must be under single ownership and/or unified control at the time of final plat approval.
(B) Streets. Minimum right-of-way widths of 50 feet are required.
(C) Developer’s statement of intent. Each PUD application must include a written explanation from the applicant describing the overall community benefits of the proposed development and how the proposed development provides greater benefits to the village than would a development carried out in accordance with otherwise applicable zoning and subdivision regulations.
(D) Approval criteria. A PUD may be approved only when the Village Board determines that the proposed PUD would result in a greater benefit to the village than would development under conventional zoning regulations. Such greater benefit may include implementation of adopted planning policies, natural resource preservation, urban design, neighborhood/community amenities or an overall level of development quality.
(E) Regulations eligible for waiver of modification. Unless otherwise expressly approved by the Village Board as part of the PUD approval process, PUDs are subject to all applicable regulations of this zoning chapter and the Subdivision Ordinance. The Village Board is authorized to approve PUDs that deviate from strict compliance with specified regulations and standards if they determine that the resulting development satisfies the approval criteria of division (D) of this section.
(F) Conditions and guarantees. Before approving a PUD, the Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend, and the Village Board may impose conditions and restrictions upon the establishment, location, design, layout, height, density, construction, maintenance, aesthetics, operation and other elements of the planned unit development deemed necessary for the protection of the public interest, improvement of the development, protection of the adjacent area, and ensure compliance with applicable regulations and standards. The Village Board may require such evidence and guarantees as it deems necessary to ensure ongoing compliance with conditions stipulated in the approved PUD.
(Ord. 2015-08, § 16.03, passed 6-23-2015)