(A) Different types of PUDs will promote different planning goals.
(B) In general, however, PUDs are intended to promote the following objectives:
(1) Implementation of and consistency with the village’s adopted plans and policies, including the Comprehensive Plan;
(2) Flexibility and creativity in responding to changing social, economic and market conditions allowing greater public benefits than could be achieved using conventional zoning and subdivision regulations;
(3) High levels of energy conservation and environmental sustainability;
(4) Advancement of economic opportunity and social equity;
(5) Variety in housing types and sizes to accommodate households of all ages, sizes, incomes and lifestyle choices;
(6) Compact, mixed-use development patterns where residential, commercial, civic, and open spaces are located in close proximity to one another;
(7) A coordinated transportation system that includes an inter-connected hierarchy of facilities for pedestrians, bicycles, and vehicles;
(8) Compatibility of buildings and other improvements as determined by their arrangement, massing, form, character and landscaping;
(9) The incorporation of open space amenities and natural resource features into the development design;
(10) Stormwater BMPs (best management practices); and
(11) Attractive, high-quality landscaping, lighting, architecture and signage that reflect the unique character of the development.
(Ord. 2015-08, § 16.02, passed 6-23-2015)