In addition to other applicable requirements set forth in this subchapter, all illuminated signs must comply with the following provisions:
   (A)   With the exception of changing signs (automatic) as defined herein, all illuminated signs within 150 feet of any residential zoning district shall be turned off between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. unless the establishment is engaged in the operation of business during such period, in which case the sign may be lit during the hours of operation only.
   (B)   Illumination shall be installed or applied only through a translucent surface; or recessed into the sign structure; or if the light source is external to the sign, directed to and concentrated on the sign.
   (C)   Signs shall be shaded as necessary to avoid casting a bright light upon property located in any residential district or upon any public street or park.
   (D)   Floodlights, gooseneck reflectors or other external sources of illumination shall be contained within a protective casing.
   (E)   No illuminated sign shall be of the flashing or intermittent type, except that advertising devices denoting the time, temperature and other similar information shall not be considered a flashing sign for the purposes of this chapter.
(Ord. 2015-08, § 12.06, passed 6-23-2015)