(A) Balancing purposes. All exterior lighting should balance the need for energy conservation with the needs of safety, security, and decoration.
(B) Light fixtures. All exterior lighting, except as hereby allowed, shall be fully shielded, and otherwise designed so as to avoid glare onto neighboring residential properties. SHIELDED means that all bulb/light source and cover portion of a fixture that transmit light shall not extend beyond below the opaque portion of such fixture so the bulb/light source is not visible from general side view. LED or metal halide fixtures are preferred for consistency between developments.
(C) Light levels. All exterior lighting fixtures shall be so designed and placed as to limit light spillage onto adjacent lots. Light levels at the lot lines adjacent to any residential use, with the exception of ingress and egress points, shall be a maximum of 0.5 footcandles.
(D) Height. In general, the height of exterior lighting features shall not exceed the predominant height of the principal building to which it relates.
(Ord. 2015-08, § 11.04, passed 6-23-2015)