A.   Stickers And License Plates:
      1.   Sticker Displayed: The chief of police, or his designee, is hereby authorized and directed to issue a taxicab vehicle license sticker for each public conveyance vehicle licensed under this chapter. No public passenger vehicle shall receive patrons within the city unless this license sticker is displayed in the vehicle on the driver's lower left corner of the front windshield in plain view of the public.
      2.   Penalty: Any person violating any of the provisions of this subsection A shall be fined as provided in the general penalty in section 1-4-1 of this code for each offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
   B.   Driver's Identification Card, Appearance:
      1.   Each public conveyance vehicle licensed hereunder shall have a Des Plaines chauffeur license of the operator of the public conveyance vehicle displayed prominently in the vehicle, clearly visible from the rear seat, said card to contain a current photo of the operator of the vehicle.
      2.   Each public passenger vehicle driver shall be well groomed, maintain personal hygiene, be clean and orderly in hair (face and head) and dress. Such operator will be required to wear a collared shirt with full or part sleeve, full length pants and shoes which fully cover the driver's feet. Clothing shall not have any visible rips or tears.
   C.   Taximeters:
      1.   Each taxicab licensed and operated under the provisions of this chapter shall be equipped with a meter which will visibly register, electronically or mechanically, the distance traveled by such vehicle, the time such vehicle is in waiting and the total fare to be charged in dollars and cents. Said taximeter shall be operated from the transmission of the taxicab to which it is attached.
      2.   No taxicab appearing at inspection site shall be issued a city taxicab vehicle license sticker until its taximeter is tested and certified to be accurate and sealed. Annual certification is required in January to be conducted at a designated location determined by the chief of police or his designee.
      3.   No taxicab shall operate for hire in the city unless the taximeter is accurately recording the fare to be charged.
      4.   Recertification of meter is required if any of the following changes are made to the vehicle:
         a.   Change tire or wheel size.
         b.   Any transmission work.
         c.   Rear axle work.
         d.   Connection corrosion.
         e.   Change in rate of fare.
      5.   The taxi rates of fare operation shall be printed upon a card in plain and legible type as designated by the chief of police. The card will be affixed to the interior of each taxicab in a conspicuous place so that it may be easily read by any passenger riding in the vehicle.
   D.   Refusal To Carry Passengers/Unreasonable Delay: No owner or driver of any vehicle, licensed under this chapter, shall unreasonably delay any person or refuse to convey in this city any person with or without baggage when applied to for that purpose; or, having undertaken to convey the person, shall fail or neglect to do so, under a penalty not to exceed the general penalty in section 1-4-1 of this code for each offense. (Ord. M-19-13, 10-7-2013)