Section 8.   COUNCILMEN.
   A.   The term of office of each councilman in office when this Charter is adopted shall continue until the beginning of the first odd-numbered year after that time. At the first biennial general election, after the charter is adopted, six councilmen shall be elected. Of the six, the three receiving the three highest numbers of votes shall each hold office for four years, and the three receiving the next three highest numbers of votes shall each hold office for two years. At each subsequent biennial general election, three councilmen shall be elected, each for a term of four years, and at each biennial general election, the number of councilmen to be elected to fill vacancies pursuant to Section 33 of this charter shall be elected. Councilmen shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms.
   B.   The positions of councilmen shall be numbered in consecutive order. Each councilman shall be designated by the same position as the councilman whom he has succeeded or will succeed in office. In all proceedings for the nomination of candidates for the office of councilman, every petition for nomination, nominee’s acceptance and certificate of election, ballot, or other document used in connection with nominations or election for councilman, shall state the official number of the position as councilman, as herein designated, to which such candidate aspires, and his name shall appear on the ballot only for such designated position. An incumbent councilman may not file for nomination for or election to any councilman’s position except the one he presently fills. A candidate may not file for more than one numbered position in any one year nor can he file for another council position in the same year after withdrawing the original filing.
   C.   The respective candidate for each designated position receiving the highest number of votes shall be deemed elected to that position.