(A) Robert’s Rules of Order.
(1) Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, Tenth Edition, shall be used as the guideline for conduct of City Council meetings, except in those cases where specific provisions contrary to Robert’s Rules shall be necessary and approved by the City Council.
(2) The City Council agrees to be clear and simple in its procedures and considerations of decisions before it. The City Council shall avoid invoking the finer points of parliamentary rules to obscure issues and arouse audience suspicion at public meetings and for citizens of the city.
(3) When Councilor(s) take issue with an action of the presiding officer and wish to present a challenge Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, Tenth Edition, page 642, lines 10 through 25 will specifically apply in all relevant situations.
(B) Presiding officer. The Mayor, or in the absence of the Mayor, the City Council President, shall be the presiding officer at all meetings. In the case of the absence of the Mayor and the City Council President, the City Recorder shall call the meeting to order and the City Council shall elect a presiding officer by majority vote. The presiding officer shall conduct all meetings, preserve order, enforce the rules of the City Council, and determine the order and length of discussion on any matter before the City Council subject to these rules. The presiding officer may debate and vote on any issue.
(C) Quorum requirements. The presiding officer shall call the meeting to order at the time designated for a scheduled meeting. Except to adjourn, a quorum is necessary to conduct business at any meeting of the City Council. Quorum is defined by charter as a majority of incumbent members of the City Council.
(D) Order of business.
(1) The order of business at City Council meetings shall be as follows:
(a) Pledge of allegiance;
(b) Call meeting to order and establish a quorum;
(c) Approve minutes;
(d) Accounts payable;
(e) Public input;
(f) Unfinished business;
(g) New business;
(h) Correspondence;
(i) Liaison officer’s reports;
(j) City staff reports;
(k) City Council comments; and
(l) Adjourn.
(2) The Mayor or presiding officer has authority to adjust the agenda items and order of business.
(E) Public hearings. The presiding officer shall announce prior to each public hearing the nature of the matter to be heard as it is set forth on the agenda. The public hearing procedure shall be followed as set forth in § 31.06 of this chapter. The presiding officer may, with the approval of City Council, limit the time and number of speakers at each public hearing. In such event, the presiding officer shall announce such restriction prior to beginning of the hearing.
(F) Voting procedures.
(1) General. The vote on every motion shall be taken by staggered rotation roll call and entered in the meeting minutes. Any other questions before City Council shall not require a recorded vote unless requested by any City Councilor. A Councilor’s explanation of his or her vote shall not be in order during a roll call.
(2) Duty to vote. Except as otherwise provided by law, every Councilor when a question is taken shall vote, unless a majority of the City Council for special reason excuses the Councilor. Any Councilor shall withdraw himself or herself from the item being voted on should there exist a direct pecuniary interest in the matter. If a Councilor is not ready to vote, the Councilor may request additional time to consider his or her response and the City Council may wait.
(3) Reconsideration of actions taken. Any Councilor who voted with the majority may move for a reconsideration of an action at the same or the next following regular meeting. Once a matter has been reconsidered at the same meeting, no motion for further reconsideration shall be made without unanimous consent of the City Council.
(4) Absentee voting. The right to vote is limited to those present at the time of the vote.
(G) Rules of order.
(1) Councilor presentations. Every Councilor desiring to speak shall gain the attention of the presiding officer by raising his or her hand and, upon recognition by the presiding officer, shall confine his or her remarks to the question under debate (except under agenda item “Council comments”). No Councilor shall speak more than once on the same subject until all Councilors who wish to speak have had the opportunity to do so. Agenda item “Council comments” is the time for City Councilors to offer a topic for consideration for a future City Council agenda or a news item that is outside the Councilor’s liaison responsibilities. Councilors should state their concern up front, followed by a brief explanation of why the City Council may want to consider the topic at a future meeting. Councilors should avoid lengthy commentaries and avoid personalizing or directing comments towards any individual or defined group.
(2) Questioning of staff. Councilors desiring to question the administrative staff may direct the inquiry to the presiding officer or to the person designated by the presiding officer to answer the inquiry during the City Council meeting.
(3) Administrative staff; city employees addressing City Council. City administrative staff and other city employees desiring to address the City Council shall first be recognized by the presiding officer and shall address such remarks to the presiding officer. The staff shall respond to questions or comments by the City Council or members of the public with permission of the presiding officer, and shall do so in a polite, tactful manner.
(4) Citizen question or discussion.
(a) No person shall enter into any discussion without being recognized by the presiding officer. Any citizen desiring to address the City Council should come to the designated location to address the City Council and be recognized by the presiding officer. After being recognized by the presiding officer, the person shall state his or her name and address for the record and his or her remarks shall be limited to the question under discussion or agenda items.
(b) Agenda item “public input” provides the opportunity for any member of the public to speak on any topic that is not on the meeting agenda. There will be an opportunity to speak on agenda items as the items are announced. Audience members will be recognized by a show of hand, and will come forward to the podium, stating name and address for the record. Audience members are asked to address their comments to the presiding officer, avoid personalizing or directing comments to any one or more individuals, try to be succinct, and avoid lengthy commentary. (The City Council guideline for time limit is five minutes, see division (G)(4)(c) below.) The presiding officer will not allow any response from City Councilors, except a question may be asked through the presiding officer, for clarification only.
(c) Any citizen addressing the City Council shall be limited to five minutes unless further time is granted by the presiding officer. No citizen shall be allowed to speak more than once upon any one subject until every other citizen choosing to speak has had an opportunity.
(d) After a motion has been made, no citizen shall address the City Council without first securing permission from the majority of the City Council.
(5) Decorum of meeting.
(a) Improper conduct. The following items are not condoned by the City Council and may be cause for the presiding officer to have the person(s) removed from the City Council chambers:
1. Using or making of loud or disruptive language, noise, or conduct which obstructs the work or the conducting of the business of the City Council;
2. Engaging in violent or distracting action;
3. Willful injury of furnishings or of the interior of the City Council Chambers or other meeting place;
4. Refusal to obey any rules of conduct, including the limitations on occupancy and seating capacity; and
5. Refusal to obey an order of the presiding officer or an order issued by a City Councilor which has been approved by a majority of the Councilors present.
(b) Removal action. The presiding officer shall warn any person(s) whose conduct is described above before taking action to have such person(s) removed.
(c) Vacating City Council chambers. If a meeting is disrupted by members of the audience, the presiding officer or a majority of the Councilors present may call for a recess until order is restored.
(d) Picture taking and filming. Filming in the City Council chambers or other meeting places shall be allowed when permitted by the presiding officer.
(e) Parliamentarian. The parliamentarian shall be designated by the presiding officer. It is the parliamentarian’s duty to assist the presiding officer to maintain the order and decorum at all meetings.
(H) Seating capacity and safety requirements.
(1) The safe occupancy and seating capacity of the City Council chambers, as determined by the Fire Chief, shall be posted within the City Council chambers. The limitations on occupancy and seating capacity so determined and posted shall be complied with at all times.
(2) Aisles shall be kept clear at all times. Members of the audience shall abide by the seating plan in the chambers, and should not move forward of the seating areas unless wishing to address and be recognized by the presiding officer.
(I) Flags, signs, and posters. No flags, posters, placards, or signs, unless authorized by the presiding officer, may be carried or placed within the City Council chambers, any other meeting place, or in any meeting place where a public hearing is being held. This restriction shall not apply to arm bands, emblems, badges or other articles worn on personal clothing of individuals, provided that such devices are of such a size and nature as not to interfere with the vision or hearing of other persons at the meeting, and providing that such devices do not extend from the body in a manner likely to cause injury to another.
(J) News media.
(1) The City Council recognizes the important role of the news media in informing the public about the decisions, activities, and priorities of government. Accommodations shall be made where practical for members of the press at City Council meetings so that they may observe and hear proceedings clearly. The terms “news media,” “press,” and “representative of the press” for the purpose of these rules are interchangeable and mean someone who:
(a) Represents an established channel of communication, such as a newspaper or magazine, radio, or television station; and
(b) Regularly reports on the activities of government or the governing body.
(2) Final decisions on the qualifications of an individual as a representative of the news media shall rest with the City Council.
(Res. 322, passed 7-2-2003)