(A)   Regular elections. Regular city elections shall be held at the same times and places as biennial general state elections, and in accordance with applicable state and election laws.
   (B)   Notice of regular elections. The City Recorder, pursuant to directions from the City Council, shall give at least ten days’ notice of each regular city election by posting notice thereof at a conspicious place in the city hall and in one public place in each voting precinct of the city. The notice shall state the officers to be elected, the ballot title of each measure to be voted upon, and the time and place of the election.
   (C)   Special elections. The City Council shall provide the time, manner, and means of holding any special election. The Recorder shall give at least ten’ days notice of each special election in a manner provided by the action of the City Council ordering the election.
   (D)   Regulation of election. Except as this section provides otherwise and as the City Council provides otherwise by ordinances relating to elections, the general laws of the state shall apply to the conduct of all city elections, recounts of the returns therefrom, and contests thereof.
   (E)   Canvas of returns. In all elections held in conjunction with state and county elections, the state laws governing the filing of returns by the County Clerk shall apply. In each special city election, the returns therefrom shall be filed with the City Recorder on or before 12:00 p.m. of the day following, and not later than five days after the election the City Council shall meet and canvas the returns. The results of all elections shall be entered in the record of the proceedings of the City Council. The entry shall state the number of votes cast at the election, the votes cast for each person and for and against each proposition, the name of each person elected to office, the office to which he or she has been elected, and a reference to each measure enacted or approved. Immediately after the canvas is completed, the City Recorder shall make and sign a certificate of election of each person elected and deliver the certificate to him or her within one day after the canvas. The certificate so made and delivered shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the of the statements contained in it.
   (F)   Tie vote. In the event of a tie vote for candidates for an elective office, the successful candidate will be determined by a public drawing of lots in a manner prescribed by the City Council.
   (G)   Initiative and referendum. The City Recorder is hereby directed to publish a full copy of the ballot to be used on the date of the election in the News Times, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the county, at least once not less than seven days immediately proceeding the election on which the measure is to be voted upon.
(Ord. 17, passed 7-7-1975)
Editor’s note:
   O.R.S. 221.200 specifies city elections fall under O.R.S. Chapters 246 through 260; see O.R.S. 250.035, 250.041, 250.275, 250.285, 254.095, 254.465. Cities used to b able to conduct their own elections, but that was changed after 1975 and the county is responsible for all city, county, and district elections.